The OEM controller in the 62X unit can communicate with most
building automation systems (BAS) using BACnet. Follow the
guide below for integration instructions.
NOTE: The 62X unit utilizes an OEM controller and is considered
a third party device when integrating with Carrier’s i-Vu
system. In order for the 62X unit to communicate with the i-Vu
Open system, the 62X unit must be connected to an i-Vu Link and
the i-Vu server must be an i-Vu Open Plus.
BACnet, which stands for Building Automation and Controls net
work, is a protocol developed by ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers). BACnet
was developed as a response to industry concerns about increased
networking of BMS (building management system) components
using proprietary communications methods. In the past, these pro
prietary communications severely limited the building owners'
choices for system expansion, upgrade, and replacement. Every
major controls vendor in North America, as well as academics,
end users, consulting engineers, and government groups partici
pated in its development.
BACnet has been accepted as an open standard by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the European CEN stan
dards. It is also being adopted as an international ISO standard.
BACnet is designed to include all building systems, lighting, secu
rity, fire, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Its purpose is to
promote interoperability - sharing data between systems made by
different vendors.
It provides the necessary tools to develop a specification for sys
tems that are interoperable. BACnet provides methods and stan
dards for representing information, for requesting and interpreting
information, and for transporting information.
Addressing the LS-1628
1. Connect an Ethernet cable from a computer to the controller’s
Service Port, as shown below.
NOTE: Be sure NOT to plug the cable into the Gig-E Port.
2. Turn off the computer’s Wi-Fi if it is on.
3. If your computer uses a static IP address, use the following
a. Address: 169.254.1.x, where x is 2 to 7
b. Subnet Mask:
c. Default Gateway:
If it uses a DHCP address, leave the address as it is.
4. Open a web browser on the computer.
5. Navigate to http://local.access or to see the
controller setup pages.
Setting up AUTOBAUD
The LS-1628 doesn’t use any dip switches or jumpers as previous
ALC controllers have use to set baud rate and comm
The LS-1628 can automatically receive or establish the baud rate
on a serial network. When you configure a device on the network
for autobaud and then power it up, the device detects the incoming
baud rate on the network and sets its baud to match.
Autobaud does not work unless there is a device on the network,
whether OEMCtrl or third party, that has the baud rate already set.
You can manually set the baud rate on more than one device, as
long as the rate is the same for every device.
NOTE: The received baud rate stays intact during power cycles. It
is recommended to set the baud rate manually on the router for the
MSTP Autobaud can be configured in either the:
1. Service Port Controller setup pages > BACnet Tab > Port S1
or Port S2 or
2. The WebCTRL interface, on the Network tree, select your
LS-1628u > Driver > BACnet Router Properties > MS/TP
Configuration on Port S1 or on Port S2
BACnet over ARC156
ARCnet is an embedded networking technology well suited for
real-time control applications in both the industrial and commer
cial marketplaces. Its robust performance and the availability of
low-cost silicon make it the network of choice in BMSs.
ARC156 is a unique implementation of ARCnet. ARC156 is sim
ilar to master slave/token passing (MS/TP). The main difference
between the two is speed. ARC156 baud rate is 156k baud where
as MS/TP tops out at 76.8k baud.
Also, ARC156 uses a separate communications co-processor to
handle the network traffic and a separate processor to handle the
program execution. This provides faster processing of applications
and handling of communications on the network. ARC156 is the
standard communications method used by our controllers.
1. Turn off the LS-1628u’s power.
2. Check the communications wiring to Port S1’s screw termi
nal labeled Net +, Net -, and Shield.
3. Connect the communications wiring to Port S1’s screw termi
nals labeled Net +, Net -, and Shield.
NOTE: Use the same polarity throughout the network
4. Set the Port S1 Configuration rotary switch to 2.
5. If the LS-1628 is at either end of a network segment, set the
port’s End of Net? switch to Yes.