ULW Czech, s.r.o.
V Ráji 34, Praha 9
Hostavice, 198 00, CZ, IČO: 28256212, DIČ: CZ28256212
If the Device was properly aligned and all port flaps are properly closed,
very little force is required to insert the Device into the Holder. If the
Device would not get inserted into the Holder easily, check the Holder for
bends, check the Device for proper alignment, check that port flaps are
closed properly and try again.
using the lock in the Holder is optional (the Device will not fall out of the
Holder even when the lock is not engaged).
When properly inserted into the Holder, the Device will not
move within the
Holder (=slack).
DO NOT use force
to check, if the Device has too much slack in the
Holder (you might bend the Holder and/or damage the charging pins). If you feel
the Device has a slack in the Holder, check the Holder for bends, check rubber
foam inserts for excessive wear. The rubber foam inserts are available as spare
part. If the Device is slack in the Holder, it can cause charging issues and
premature failure of the charging pins in the Holder and/or Device failure due to
excessive vibrations and shocks.
Regularly check for loose screws and torque them as required;
Regularly check the Holder for bends (especially after a crash). Bent Holder might
not ensure correct charging and secure retention of the Device;
Regularly clean the charging pins with electrical contacts cleaner. It is
recommended that you use a cleaner specifically designed to remove oxidation;
The charging pins are lubricated during production, so you do not need to apply a
lubricant before first use;
Thoroughly lubricate the charging pins with electrical contacts oil or grease
regularly and after each cleaning cycle (make sure the lubricant enters the
charging pin body and does not stay only on the outside);
Use of electrical contact grease is recommended
make sure you push the grease
inside the charging pin (compress the pin, apply grease. Compress the pin several
times to make sure the grease enters inside the body of the pin). Using electrical
contact grease will extend the charging pins life-span. It is NOT recommended that