30% Ultimate ARF
30% Ultimate ARF 3-D ARF
30% Ultimate ARF 3-D ARF
Congratulations on your purchase of the Goldberg Ultimate ARF 3-D ARF.
This is a very unique aircraft, with great 3-D capabilities. Every effort has
been made to produce a lightweight, straight, easy to assemble aircraft.
Because of its oversize control surfaces which are double beveled to allow
for extreme throws, great care must be taken in the set-up and flying of this
airplane. Quality hardware components have been provided to allow for 3D
set-up while maintaining adequate mechanical advantage to eliminate flutter.
It is your responsibility as an advanced pilot to fly the aircraft in an intelli-
gent manner. THROTTLE MANAGEMENT IS A MUST!!!!!!!! We at Carl goldberg
have put the 30% Ultimate ARF through a very rigorous flight-testing sched-
ule and have stressed the airframe beyond all practical parameters without
a single failure. Carl goldberg will NOT warrant the Ultimate ARF against
flutter due to improper set-up or excessive speed maneuvers. having said that,
we believe you will find the Ultimate ARF to be one of the most responsive, in-
the-grove aircraft on the market. The Ultimate ARF excels at high-alpha
maneuvers including Harriers (both upright and inverted), high-alpha rolls,
and high-alpha knife edge. Torque rolls, waterfalls, knife edge loops and ele-
vators are all within the performance parameters of this unique aircraft.
Just remember to use common sense when flying this high performance