Doc Version: 1.3 / Date: 29.04.2021
Spare Parts
If modules or parts are replaced, only identical & original assemblies or parts may be used.
Transport and Storage
Damages determined after delivery must be communicated immediately to the carrier. Commissioning may
be excluded. The device must only be stored in a dry environment at temperatures of 0 to 60°C.
Electrical Connections
All work must be carried out only if:
The electrical system is switched off and protected against unintentional reconnection
Verified that no current is present.
It is ensured that additional monitoring and protection devices, which are provided for the operation of
this control, are installed in a professional manner.
When connecting, ensure that applicable local standards and regulations are observed.
For service and repair jobs please refer to the technical service manual.
Intended Usage
The Carbotek Nitro Dispenser is a ready-to-use dispenser to tap nitrogenated and cooled beverages in
particular cold-brew coffee. This machine is intended for indoor use only. Such as: Small shops,
convenience stores and kiosks, bars and restaurants, staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working
environments, hotels and motels. It may be used in private households as well.
The device is only approved for this application and is not suitable for cooling hot liquids, unfiltered liquids,
chemicals or similar.