Menu Descriptions
This section will explain the different menus, settings, and options available in the HMI. Refer to
for default/range settings, and HMI screen navigation.
User settings
– Allows the user to change or set certain temperatures and configurations on the unit. Any
changes within this menu do not require a reboot to take effect.
Factory settings
– Requires a password to enter this menu (1111). These will be set job-specific from the
plant. Upon exiting factory settings, if certain settings are altered, the board will reboot itself.
– Requires a password to enter this menu (1234). This will allow a certified technician to
monitor the unit and test components in the system.
- Unit type and software revision information.
Temp Set Points
– Some or all of these may not be available based on settings. If scheduling is enabled,
there will be occupied and unoccupied values for each set point. The user will be allowed to check or
adjust the set points for:
• Heating
: Intake, Space, Discharge, Heat Min Discharge, Heat Max Discharge
• Cooling
: Intake, Space, Discharge, Cool Min Discharge, Cool Max Discharge
• Humidity Ctrl
: Intake Rel, Space Rel, Discharge Rel
• Options
: Room Override, Intake Firestat, Discharge Firestat, Discharge Freezestat, Discharge
Overheat, Cabinet Heat, Drain Heat, Economizer Temp Band, Economizer Temp, Economizer Enth
Band, Economizer RH.
– This menu will only show when the scheduling option is set to On.
• Schedule Times
– Each day contains the option for three occupied time periods. If the time is scrolled
past 11:59 pm, it will display ‘UNOCC’.
• Copy Schedule
– This will allow the user to copy an existing schedule from one day of the week to
individual days in the week, to Week Days, or All.
– Enabled when the supply fan is controlled by a VFD or ECM. The range of this menu is
limited by the min and max set points under factory settings. When the fan is set to VFD, the settings will
be displayed in Hertz. When the fan is set to ECM, the PWM percentage will be displayed. When occupied
scheduling is set to On, occupied and unoccupied settings are available.
– Enabled when the outdoor air is set to percentage/voltage or scheduled control.
Limited by min and max outdoor air percentages/voltages located under factory settings.
Compressor Freq
– Allows user to set desired frequency. This is available when the compressor control
is set to manual.
Man Cond Fan Speed
• Heat –
Enabled when heat pump condensing fan mode is set to manual, you may select the % the
fans will operate at.
• Cool –
Enabled when cooling condensing fan mode is set to manual, you may select the % the fans
will operate at.
Pressure Config
– Adjustable pressure set points for building static pressure.
- The user will be allowed to check or adjust the set points/limits when the option is
Settings –
Allows access to Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) settings.
• ERV Wheel –
Speed percentage setting for ERV wheel operation.
• ERV Exhaust Fan –
Adjustable building pressure set points, manual, or differential set point. Values
dependent on ERV exhaust fan configuration.
• ERV Wheel Cleaning –
Manual control allows On/Off. Auto allows for a timed scheduled cleaning.
When On, countdown timer will be active.