ZoomBrowser EX Software User Guide
This section explains how to change the size, resolution or data type of
a selected image and write it to a new file, and to export an image for
use as a screen saver or wallpaper. It also describes how to export the
shooting information to a text file.
Exporting Images (1/4)
Export Still Images
You can change the data type and/or image size and save it to
a new file. Select one of three data types: JPEG, TIFF or
Windows Bitmap (BMP). You can also add identifying
characters to the start of the file name.
Export Formats
The following types of image export formats are available.
Export Movies
You can change the movie size or type and export it as a
different movie file. See "Exporting Movies" for an explanation
of the procedures.
Extract Frames from a Movie
This feature extracts still images from movies and saves them as
image files (Windows XP only). See
“Extracting Frames from a
for more detailed instructions.
Export Shooting Properties
You can select specific items from the shooting information and
export it to a text file.
Export Images as a Screen Saver
You can export an image as a screen saver file.
Export an Image as a Wallpaper
You can export an image as a wallpaper file. This function will
not work with multiple files selected.
Backing Up to a CD
This feature copies and saves images to CD-R/RW disks. See
“Saving Images to CD-R/RW Disks”
for more detailed
instructions. (Windows XP only)
• The shooting information is saved along with the image when
you save an image as a JPEG in the Export window.