= 1•000 =
2•020 *
Percent Calculation 17% of 2,350 17 2 2350 x 2350• x
2,350 x 100
17 % 17• %
=(399.5) 399•50 *
To find what percent 456 is of 789 456 2 456 ÷ 456• ÷
789 x 100 789 % 789• %
=(57.79) 57•79 *
Add-on Calculation 12 2 2000 x 2000• x
To increase 2,000 by 12% 2,000 + 2,000 x 100 12 % 12• %
=(2,240) 240•00 *
+ 2240•00 +%
Discount Calculation 12 2 2000 x 2000• x
To discount 2,000 by 12% 2,000 – 2,000 x 100 12 % 12• %
=(1,760) 240•00 *
1760•00 -%