Version 7
Océ VarioPrint 110 Customer Expectations Document
Page 51
15.5 Selecting the Correct Media
A media guide is available that provides detailed information on the recommended
media, such as acceptable paper, paper specifications, and acceptable storage
and print conditions. For more information, contact your servicing dealer.
If non-recommended ink or drying powder, not suitable for digital printing, were
used to create the preprinted media, damage to important parts of the printing
system may occur, or the digital printing performance can seriously deteriorate.
This can result in increased downtime and additional service costs. To ensure
optimal performance on preprinted media, review the preprinted media guidelines
available from your servicing dealer.
15.6 Note for Customers Who Cut Their Own Paper
Customers who cut their own paper may experience:
An increase of paper dust in the machine
Paper jams due to paper dust getting into areas of the machine where it is not
meant to be
Improper paper feeding
Paper registration inaccuracies
Follow the precautions below to minimize the above issues:
Have a process in place to regularly make sure that the cutting blades are
sharpened, and that cuts are made as clean as possible.
Place the paper with the factory mill cut sides facing to the right (leading edge),
and to the front of the machine when feeding paper. The best results for
consistency and front-to-back registration are obtained by using factory mill cut,
digital compatible paper.