Chapter 13
You Tried To Create A Multi-page PDF, But Were Not Able To
Scan Multiple Documents
When You Click A Button On The MP Toolbox, An Unwanted
Application Opens
You Opened The Properties Dialog Box From The [Scanners
and Cameras] Icon And Changed The Settings, But The Settings
Were Not Activated (Windows 2000)
The ScanGear MP (Advanced
Mode) setting in the [Preferences]
dialog box is incorrect.
Because [Automatically quit ScanGear MP after scanning] is
selected in [Preferences] of Advanced Mode, multiple documents
cannot be scanned. If you want to scan additional documents, follow
the steps below to deselect [Automatically quit ScanGear MP after
scanning] before scanning.
1. Click a button other than [Settings] on the MP Toolbox.
The respective setting dialog box is displayed.
2. Select [Use the scanner driver to make advanced settings]. Then
click [Start] to open ScanGear MP.
3. Click the [Settings] tab, then click [Preferences].
The [Preferences] dialog box is displayed.
4. Remove the check mark from [Automatically quit ScanGear MP
after scanning], then click [OK]. Scan documents.
In the MP Toolbox, the application
you want to open is not registered.
Click a button on the MP Toolbox, click [Set] on the screen
displayed, and select the application you want to open for that button.
Software Guide
, located on your Setup CD-ROM)
The settings are not activated
because you have not restarted
your computer.
Once you have changed your settings, restart your computer.