Technology > MEAP > Preparation for Using SMS > Preparation of PC for Accessing SMS
Technology > MEAP > Preparation for Using SMS > Preparation of PC for Accessing SMS
• The ActiveX plug-in should be enabled in Internet Explorer.
• In Internet Explorer, if [Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins] is disabled in [Internet Options]
> [Security] > [Custom level...], a warning message that JRE has not yet been installed is
• JavaScript should be enabled in all the browsers.
• In the case of an IP v6 environment, JRE1.5 or later is required.
• When using Windows XP in an IP v6 environment, IP v6 may need to be installed
manually in some cases.
Network ports used
Port No.
Connecting 53
Communication with DNS server (fixed)
Kerberos authentication with KDC (Key Distribution Center)
( default:389)
Communication with directory service using LDAP (default is 389,
may be changed to any port on LDAP service side)
10000 - 10100
Preparation for Using SMS
To use SMS, a PC and browser used to access SMS are required, and the network settings
need to be set up on the device.
Preparation of PC for Accessing SMS
Checking of operation environment
In order to access SMS using password authentication, the PC and browser need to comply
with the following system environment.
Combination of the Browser and the OS
Operating System
Supported browser
Windows XP Professional SP3
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
Windows Vista SP2
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
Windows 7 SP1
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
Mac OS X v10.5
Safari 4.0.5
Safari 5.0.5
Mac OS X v10.6
Safari 4.0.5
Safari 5.0.5
Safari 5.1
Mac OS X Lion
Safari 5.1
In order to access SMS using RLS authentication, the environment should comply with the
environment for using SSO-H as the login service. (For details, refer to "PC Environment of
Administrator Users and General Users".)
PC and Browser Settings
The PC and browser used to access SMS need to satisfy the following conditions.
• The supported browser language should be the same with the language of the OS.
• Java Script should be enabled.
• The supported screen size should be 800 x 600 or larger (recommended size: 1024 x 768).
• Session cookie should be enabled.
• Only alphanumeric characters and some of the symbols ("-" or ".") should be used as the
machine domain name and host name.
• If an invalid character string such as a low line ("_") is included in the host name, cookies
cannot be enabled.