If Memory Becomes Full during Scanning
If Memory Becomes Full during Scanning
If memory becomes full during the scanning of originals, a screen indicating that the memory is full appear on the touch
panel display.
The machine’s memory can store approximately 6,200 pages of scanned images. Approximately 6,000 pages of that total is shared by the
various functions, including the Copy, Print, Mail Box, and Fax/I-Fax Inbox functions. In addition, each function is guaranteed to be able to
store the following number of pages:
100 pages
100 pages (excluding Secured Print jobs)
For example, the Copy function can store up to 6,100 pages of scanned images.
100 + 6,000 = 6,100 pages (approximate figures)
However, the number of pages that the machine’s memory can store may differ, depending on the amount of memory required for
documents stored in the Mail Box and Fax/I-Fax Inbox and jobs that are in the print queue.
Follow this procedure:
If the message asking whether to print the pages scanned into memory appears:
Select [Yes] or [No].
Details of each item are shown below.
The pages scanned into memory are printed. When printing is complete, scan the remaining originals.
The pages scanned into memory are not printed.
If [Cancel] is displayed:
Select [Cancel].
Details of each item are shown below.
Returns to the Basic Features screen of the function you are using. Scan the job again when the current job is
Summary of Contents for IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE C5051
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Page 3: ...imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5051 C5051i C5045 C5045i C5035 C5035i C5030 C5030i Maintenance Guide...
Page 72: ...1 Routine Maintenance Consumables 1 60...
Page 155: ...15 3 3 Appendix This section includes the index Index 3 2...
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