Basic Photo Scanning
Step 1: Prepare Photos to be Scanned
Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the front and back of your
photos to remove dust, dirt or other particles that could
potentially scratch your photos.
Because of the speed at which photos are scanned, dust
particles on your photos can cause white lines to appear in
scanned images, and in extreme cases can lightly scratch the
protective finish on your photos. For best results, wipe off the front
and back of your photos before scanning and use microfiber
cloth to clean the scanner rollers after every 300 scans, or even
before each scanning session.
Organize your photos by subject, date, or location.
You can give each batch of photos a custom file name.
Step 2: Place Photos
Pull out the document eject tray.
The document eject tray can be adjusted to 3 lengths. Pull out the
document eject tray according to the length of the photo. Also,
erect the document eject stopper on the front edge if necessary.