Page 1: ...FAXPHONE B54O 550 User sGuide ...
Page 2: ...llv assigncdeverytirneyou sendor receire a lax fnrnsletron numbers are l digit decirlal r turnbers that can hclp you keep track ol thc docLrrnent rou send and receive TVRX N0 XXXX Rcpresents thetransaction numberwhcndisplayr cl ontheLCD u hcrr ir thc l digit transactirin nurrber o f Stands lirr transntit or sencl R X Standslirr rcccivc NOTE A not edcscribesimpo rtant pointsancl hclpf ul hi nt s or...
Page 3: ...ou rcgisterlrequentlr usccllax nuntbersand phonc rrrrlbcrr rir l 1 thcrrtsith tlrc trruchol li buttttn Error Correction Mode ECM Tx Rx A u t o n t a l l e i l l i r i i i r r t r t L l t a i t 1 J u c t o r t c n t i l n d t e l e p h o n e l i n e n o i s e Group Dialing Registersgl Ltf r1l tr ni r rbcr rLrl t0 69 lOcations l so ou can senda fax t an entire gfOtlp In llC rICI illlrrll Delayed tra...
Page 4: ...atron cannot occur 3 Orcier a normal busness neiran arrie eplcne company s busless rerlresentatrve TheIne shou ld be a reguar voce g ade re cr ec va3 ri useo re n e o rI D DD DI RECT D ISll fiCEI e l or I DDD NTFRN AT1ONAL DI RECT D SI ANCE DiA JL NEI i Y OU COMN UNICATE OVERSEAS NOTE Canonrecommends an individual linefollowing industry standards le g the2500 Touch tone or 5OO Rotary Pulse Dal tei...
Page 5: ...c ii arl15o1tireFCCRues Theseirnrts aredesgnedto provide reasonable protect on agarnst ra r u rkrrlrirenc f a resiLientia instal ation Ths equipmenl generalesusesandcan radateradlo lr rqLlilr cr e r 1 arrd l nct rrstalled and useci ln accordance wth theinStruCtlonS mayCauSe harmtUl r O r t i r t s f l cii ra r s rc qual altee tliat nterterence wi noloccurin a partrcular nstaator lf th s equipment ...
Page 6: ...tng Also makesurethatthetota of allproducts pluggedntothewa loutletdoesnotexceedtne current amperage of thecircuit breaker I 0 Do notpushoblects of anykindintothes otsor openings on thecab netas theymaytouchdangerous votagepo ntsor shortoutparts whichcoud resultn a r sk of fireor e ectrc snock 11 Do notsp lliqud of anykindon theFAXPHONE 8540 550 1fyousp 1lliqurd or tfanysubstance tallsnto theunit ...
Page 7: ...tion Belorelsta lng th s eclJll xi rt usersshoud ensure thatit is permissible to be connected to theiactlities of i re oc lrteecornm rnicat ols or tDany Theequprnent mustalsobe rnsta ledusingan acceptable method of a o f n e c l o rI n s o m e c a s e s i r e o m D a n y s i n s i d e w i r r n g a s s o c i a t e d w t h a s i n g l e i n e i n d v i d u a l s e r v i c e m a y be exte rded by me...
Page 8: ...cmperature and hunrici itt Arnbrcnt temperature 50 F kr 90 5 F I0 C to 32 5 C Arrbienthumidity l X to 80 RH rrocondcnsirtion Keep r our FAXPHONE out of direct sunlight asthiscandarnagc theunit Do notlifi thcFAXPHONEby the handset cradle I AXPHONE8 5 50 rinlv Do notlifi thcFAXPHONEby the opcration parlel I lold thcFAXPHONEasshownwhen transp0rtlng lt vt ...
Page 9: dust vibra tion hightemperature or humidity or on unstable surfices To assure propcrelectrical contact makesuretheFAXPHONEislirmly plugged in Nererpull on thecordto unplugtheFAXPHONE Pullon theplugitself WARN NG Donot overloadthe electrical outletwherethe FAXPHONE ispluggedin Neverplug or unplugthe FAXPHONE when your handsare wet For your safety unplug the FAXPHONEduring electricalstorms lf you...
Page 10: documents manually 20 Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection DRPD feature 21 Types ofring patterns 21 Turning onDBPD andassigning asetting toa ring pattern 22 How DRPD responds tocalls 24 Communicating using theDistinctive Ring Pattern Detection DRPDIfeature 24 Main components of the FAXPHONE 28 Front view 28 Rear view 29 FAXPHONEcontrols the Operation Panel 30 Registering your name and number 32 ...
Page 11: ...0 Redialing 60 Messages displayed during sending 6 l Clearing document jams ejecting a document from theADF 62 Delayedsending 63 Sending other documents while theFAXPH0NE isset forDelayed sending 64 Cancelling Delayed sending 65 Sequentialbroadcasting 66 Sending a document tomore than one location 66 Sending a document using Group Dialing 67 Receivingdocuments 70 Receiving documents manuatty 70 Be...
Page 12: ...Eas a telephone 78 Making telephone calls 78 Receiving a document manually using theextension phone 78 Using the FAXPHONEwith an answering machine 79 Recording theoutgoing message 112 79 7 SETTINGS AND ACTIVIW REPOBTS 8 SOLUTIONS TO COMMON PROBLEMS ...
Page 13: ...walljack 13 Connecting anextension phone oranswering machine optional 13 setting theTEL LINE TYPE 14 Setting up to receivefaxes 15 Selecting thereceiving mode 15 Receiving documents over a dedicated faxline 16 Receiving documents and telephone calls over a shared Fax Telephone line FAXiTEL SWITCH Receiving documents manually 20 Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection DRPD feature 21 Types ofring patter...
Page 14: ...uture Carelirllyremoveall itcrnsfrom thcbox I lt rsbestto havesorneone holdthebox w hilc1 ou lift theFAXPHONEandits pro tectivepackaging out of thecarton Documentation andFaceplate BX 3BJ FAX cartridge Paper outputtray Paper traycover Handset and crad le 8550 only M a i nu n i t Paper tray Powercordand Telephone line 2 ...
Page 15: ...tirr proolof purchrse 72 Zl T Mainunit 1 I i 1 r I Handset handset cradle screws FAXPHONE 8550only a Paperoutput tray Faceplate a 1 c BX 3BJ FAX cartridge Telephone line _r_ Power cord lz Papertray f Documentation FAXPHONE 8540 550 User s Guide th is ma nu a l OuickStartGuide Registration card 1 Removing the shipping materials Rcnrore the shipping ntatcrialsits shown belovn 3 Remove this tape ...
Page 16: ...AXPH0NE infront ofyouona r flatsurface Laythepaper output trayin lrontoftheFAXPH0NE 2 3 Slide thetrayunder theFAXPH0NE until thetrayiscompletely inserted I Handset FAXPHONEB55Oonly I Aftach the handset cradle z Press firmlyontheendofthetraysothat theplastic tabs fitunder thefront ofthe FAXPHONE Connect thehandset smodular iacktothe handset iackontheFAXPH0NE 4 s aa ...
Page 17: ...ovelthepaper tray making surethetwotabsfit intheappropriate slots intheFAXPH0NE I Faceplate Fitttre4tabsofthefaceplate intothecorespond ingslots around theOne touch button area t Plug theother endofthepower cordinto I aproperly grounded ACoutlet three prong outlet l3 iTT cxd ffi frlr ffi tr PlugtheFAXPHONEintoa 120voltAC 60 Hz three wire grounded oullet Gonnecting the AG power cord 7 Plug thepower...
Page 18: ...csal resultsaresatislactorl Do not useprlnched or coloredpapcr Do not useglossl paper Ink dryingtimc will varydcpending on thetypeof paper LJsing otherthanthc abovepapr r maycause janrrningand orblurled print I Setting the paper size Thepapersizesettinsdeterlninesthesizeol therccordingpapcrinthepapertra v The factor settingis lettersize lf vou want to usea paper sizeother than letter you must chan...
Page 19: ...squeeze and slide thepaper guide untilittouches the leftedge olthestackofpaper Make surethe stackof paperdoesnot exceedthe paperlimit mark on the right sideof the f eeder 6 Replace thepaper traycover T s ryi 4 i s d ffi ffi81 qlg wai 5 g lX Ilake sure the stack of the paper is flat held upright and aligned rvith the lef tpaper guide L onot tirrcetlrenanerdown into the FAXPHONE fhc ton cdgc of the ...
Page 20: ...artridgc rnorcottenthanwhenyou arcrcccivingor copyingtexlonly You nravneedto replacethe BJ cartridgewhcn citherof the following conditions extst I Yrur printedoutputisnotcrispandclear andtherearegapsin thecharacters rntss ing dots er cnalier vou havecleaned the print headonceor twice andyou have removed andreinstalled theBJ cartridgc I You havebecnusingthe BJ cartridgefbr ovcr onc year I To ensure...
Page 21: ...r is nrissing evenaf tertrying five successive head cleanings Nerer rernovethe BJ cartridge unlesst ou are going to replace it When left exJrosed the cartridge print head dries out making it unusable Do nottouchthcprintheadareaon the tsJcartridgc Ink may leak out ancl cause slains Ner cr shake theBJcartridgc especially al ter reuroVing theprotectivc tapetiont thc printhead t t 4 t t z q l1 pilled ...
Page 22: ...theprint head capfrom theBJ cartridge 3 Makesurethe papcrthickness levcris setto thc paper position tlcfi position t Pullofftheprotective orange tape 3 t I Open thefront cover oftheFAXPH0NE 2 Raise thegreen cartridge lelease lever up 1 0 ...
Page 23: ...rough the slot I he B f cartridge tilts slightly to the lelt in the loadcdposition 7 Close thefront cover oftheFAXPH0NE Lower thecartridge release lever down until youhear aclicktolockthecartridge inplace llake sure the arm on the cartridge release leveralignswith the marking on the IIJ cartridge If the lever movement is not smooth release the cartridge and reload it r 1 1 ...
Page 24: ...y installed printoutasshownabovewhenthe BJ i 1 l l Whitestreak l _l_ Il theprintouthasnhitc streaks usshorvn abo n c try cleaning thcprinthcad sccCleaninstheBJ cartridgc printheacl pg lt 2 lf theprcblerrcontinr rcs aficrclearring trv reinstalling thc BJ cartridge Youcarrturnotf autornatic testprintingb1 changing theAUTO TEST PRIN f sct ting sccSYSTEMSETTINCiS pg 9t 1 2 ...
Page 25: ...endofthesupplied telephone linetotheiackmarked r ontherearoftheFAXPH0NE Z Connect theother endofthelinetoyour walltelephone iack ld ili tf ry t i xtiE4t ii i wa u19 irlq r i w i36ifi y1 lCS Connecting an extension phone or answering machine optional Connect anextension phone oranswering machine totheiackmatked B ontherearoftheFAXPHONE II vou conncctan answering rnachinc rcf crto Usingthe FAXPHONEw...
Page 26: ... ra V Press IFUNGTI0N Wait a second lirrTEL REGISTRATIONto appear SELECT MENU 1i6d TELREGISTRATION USERSETTINGS SETDATE 2 Use or toselect USER SETTINGS Press START C0PY 3 Use or toselect TEILINE TYPE Press START COPY r ___lr l START COPY c V TOUCH TONE a 4 Use or toselect R0TARY PULSE T __ lt l ROTARY PULSE TELLINEryPE 5 Press START C0PY DATA ENTRYOK START COPY o V 1 4 Press ST0P tofinish 6 STOP A...
Page 27: ...the FAXPHONEandtheotherlirretirr vourtelephone In thi easc uscautomatic receivin u fbr vour FAXPHONE with its own dedicated telephotte Iincthat1 ou do not intendto usefbr tclcphone voicecommunication Your FAXPHONEautontatically receives theincorning lax f AUTO FAXTEL switchover See p9 18 ll r ouharc onephonelinein yourolliccyouprobably intendto useyourFAXPHONE Iol bothllrr rrrd telcpht nc Lr rnlll...
Page 28: ...xtransmission andtclephone calls If yoLr havea dedicatcd lax line you needto settheFAXPHONElbr dcdicated rcceir lng I Setting up the FAXPHONE for dedicated receiving WhenyousettheFAXPHONEfbr dedicated recciving theunitpicksupeachcalland automatically treats thecallasa fax transmission The FAXPHONEcannotreceive automatically if you arenlakingcopies printingrc ports or registering inlbrmation Seepg ...
Page 29: ...edicated fax line When thcFAXPHONEis sctto receive overa dedicated line it uutonraticallv reccires docur nents rrhcnerera ca lcontes uverthetar line The FAXPHO E cannotreceireautomatically il you lrentakingcopies printinglc ports or regrstenng inlbrrnation Seepg 73 I Makesure theFAXPH0NE issettoreceive over a dedicated faxline l Z Press ANS H00KUP MANUAL untilnoiconappeals MakesuretheANS HOOK UP t...
Page 30: ...e The FAXPHONE is setup at the factory for a sharedline liru only needto lirlkrn this procedure if you havechangedthe factory settings 1 2 3 Press FUNCTI0N Wlit a scconcl tbr TEL RECIISTR ATIC N to appcar r l SELECT MENU l _ _ 1atec I TELREGISTRATION nxserrtrlcs l l _ FUNCTION _ Use or toselect RX SETTINGS Press START C0PY r rr v START COPY i Use or toselect FAVTEL SWITCH Press START C0PY H s _ t ...
Page 31: ...nt or f romsomL r ne uantingto tulk to O L I XPHONh cannotreceir e a docurlcnt autonraticallv if vou are making copics s rcports r rcgistering intirrnration Scc p9 73 fhc F p f l l l t r l 1 2 Make sure youhave settheFAXPH0NE forboth faxand telephone communication FAVTEI SWITCH is0N Seepg 18 Press IANS H00KUP MANUAL untilnoiconappears above thebutton l lnkcsurethc NS HOOK UP l l andthe N4ANUAI i i...
Page 32: ...nualrccctr ing I Il no iconappears pressIANS HOOK UP MANUALI to turn rconon A Z When theFAXPH0NE rings pickupthehandset For theFAXPHoNE B5tt 1 pickupthehandset oftheextension phone you have connected totheFAXPH0NE lfyouhear a person s voice start youlconvelsation lfthecallelwants to send adocument after talking toyou press START GOPYI toreceive the document or I ll voLr heara slow beepor silencc a...
Page 33: ...for usewith a DRP I service iil Thisfeature is calledDistinctive RingPattern Detection DRPD t For moredetailson the DRP service contactyour localtelephone company Your telephone companymayhavea diffbrent namelbr thisservice Also thisservice may notbeotferedin all areas Types of ring patterns Yourtelephone companywill assigna distinctive ring pattern to eachnumbcrwhcr r ou ordertheDRP service These...
Page 34: ...N SELECT MENU 1s c TELREGISTRATION 2 3 4 Use or toselect RX SETTINGS Press ISTART COPY T _ lr _l sranlrcopv A 7 r __lT _l sranltcopv o V ECMRX Use or toselect DRPD Press ISTART C0PY tf l TAR 7OPV o V Use or toselect 0N v Press START C0PY Wait a second fbr NORMAL RING to appear DATA ENTRYOK i ib0 NORMAL RING RXSETTINGS O N 22 ...
Page 35: ...yed press START C0PY aii a sccond lbr DOLIBI E RIN i to anocar r l _ l sranircopv o Press ST0P to finish lir nr rke irtlditronal assignnrcnts startfroln step5 lir 1itti h p1c55 Sl PI V y Y hen DRPD is sctt ON thc communication typetbr eachring pattcrn tlclaults to I EL r xccpt lirrtheDOUBLL RING pattern u hichdelaults to t AX TEl SWITCH Aticr you selectthering pattcrnthathasbeen assignecl lirr vou...
Page 36: ...a DRPservice is alntost thesameasusingit with a nor maltelephone line Whenyoureceive calls however theFAXPHONEresponds sonle rvhatdiltcrcntll asdescribcd below The DRP serviceis commonly usedwith automatic receivingonly f FAXPHONE set for automatic receiving no icons above the ANS HOOK UP MANUAL button Whenthe FAXPHONEis setfbr automatic receiving the FAXPHONEoperatcs ac cordingto thenrocle setlbr...
Page 37: ...nication thc F XPHO l ringsuith thepattern you registered Whenthc FAXPHONErings tlrciinrueringnrachinc connects lnclthentakesovcl thccall Ihensorlc orte sencls a flrr usingthc numberassigned lbr fax communication the F AXI H NE leccircsthcdocuntcnt autornaticalIv f FAXPHONE set for automatic switching between fax and telephone calls l hc F PHO E nronitor all incorringcallstirr all the nuntbers wit...
Page 38: ...Thispagcis intcntionallr blank ...
Page 39: ... r s o n a l i z i n g y o u r F A X P H 0 N E Registering thedateandtime B egister ing yourte le p ho ne n umb er an dna me Registering One touchSpeedDialingnumbers andnames 39 Registering CodedSpeedDialingnumbers and names R e g i s t e r i n g G r o u p D i a i n g n u m b e r s a n d n a m e s 4 2 Registering aGroup Dialing number 42 Changing aGroup Dialing number 44 P r i n t i n g t h e h e ...
Page 40: ... onht Automatic document feeder ADF Paper traycover document tray Document guide Operation panel Usetheopcration panel buttons to operiltc the FAXPHONIT Frontcover Speaker Extension Full c tend lhc ertcnsion hcn usingthc FAXPllONlr Paperoutputtray Holds printed docr lr nclrts aftcr tlrr y art e jcctcd Ironr thc 1ax 28 ...
Page 41: ... jack FAXPHONE 8550only Ringer volumeswitch Adjusts the volurtie ol the tclcphone linc ringer Sclect betwecn HIGH l OW arrclOFI Use a pen or similar pointcd object to sct the switch Telephone linejack Extension Phonelack Hookbutton lirril il a a l i 1 i i i i t i l L 1i 29 ...
Page 42: ...ress to enter a space between numbers or letters whenyou register faxnumbers andnames CLEAR Press to clear a number or name quickly soyoucanre enter it HOLD Press lo puta callonhold REDIAL Pressto dial the last number dialedwith the numeric buttons TONE Press totemporarily setyourFAXPHONE to send atonesignal when using pulse dialing PAUSE Press to enterpauses between digitswhendialingor registerin...
Page 43: ...dataregistration of fax numbers names andotherimportant settings for sending and receivino ANS HOOKUP MANUALindicator indicates thatmanualanswerinq modeis selected oi indicates thatanswering machine modeis selected Ino icon indicates thalautomatic receiving mode is selected Resolution indicator GEindicates that STANDARD resolutionmode is selected m indicates thatFINEresolution modeis selected tr A...
Page 44: ...lcphoncopclatrons TELREGISTRATION USERSETTINGS REPORT SETTINGS TX SETTINGS RX SETTINGS FAXPRINTER SYSTEMSETTINGS the main menus svstcmtlrat ou uscto registerintirnnatron lnd l he rnainrrenuincludcs theseitcnrs FUNCTION L_l Fol a cornpletc rlcstril ltionol the nrl nu s stcr n cc IJscr mcnu settings pg 132 In generul lollor i thcse tcp t acccssthL rnt nusand nrake selections F 1 Press IFUNCTI0N Wnit...
Page 45: ...tirr a speecl diitlirtg nurtthcr I Bc sLrre to cntcf I unclthc urerrer dc il nccessan to dial a dilferc ntareacotl I Do not cntct da has slashc c lll nits or othcl pullctl lilttotl Usc thc one totrchspccddiuling brrttonsas follo I TO entcr u pacc be t nccn ttutrhcrs prcss ISPA t I I I1 r ounrakeu rristakc pfc s l L EARI and entel the nurnbcragain I To er rsc a preViouslvrcsi tcrc lnunrber prcssICL...
Page 46: ...Spqrs 7 TUVtuv8 WXYZwxyz 9 x 1 1 n l l O I Firstprcssthc nur neric buttoncorrcsponding to thc charactcr ouwant I Prcss thenurnclic buttonrcpcatcdly untrlthecharirttr r r r untappears rttthe displal Forcxirmplc to entcrBIC I f Prc ss theappropriate numericbuttonrcpcatedll Lrntil thedesircd character appcrs Press 2twotimes Thc ncrt charactcr is in a dil fercnt group so sirnplvprcssthc ne groLrp s rt...
Page 47: ...e knor n as r oul I urrtl tlrccurrcntrlatcurrrl trnreprintccl outbr thcrcccirtnglar l his inlirrrrr ioniselllcdtour l TI Tr unsnrit i rnrinal Idcntif ication andappears a1thctoprrlthe laxctl rlocurt tcnt in nralllrpc ln the Unitcd States 1ou are requiredto includethis information evcr time you senda lax So be sureto enter lour TTI infirrmationin 1 ourFAXPI ONII norv t y identilring thctlocunrcl t ...
Page 48: ... Press START C0PY f _ l v START COPY USER SETTINGS 3 Press START C0PY START COPY A t V 4 5 Enter today s date using thenumeric buttons using themonth day year format MM DD YY I Precede singledigitswith a zem I To rnakca correction prcssICI EAR to returnto theprevioussettingandre enter thedate I To changethedatelirrnrat SeeSYSTI M SET TINGS pg 9t 09 15 95 Press START COPY when youlinishentering the...
Page 49: ...dnameappear on thetop clfeach document vousend 4 ait ril tt ii rii irrl i iill l ll r l i l ialr il l rlrl rtrlt t i irritr 1 al i ll t i l rii ti i I i tillti 4 li t t l li l tll ii t 1lilill i 1i r r iiirl irrii i li iilil itti ili r tltlrt l lli rij illilqgarl i iitriii iiiil l lili rittt af l i a3 qu DATAENTRY OK I Press ST0P Registration endsandthe FAXPHONEreturnsto standbv STOP I 2 Press FUN...
Page 50: ...2345678 5 Press START C0PY whenyoufinishentering your laxnumber Wait a second lirr LJSL R NAME to appear DATA ENTRYOK ldtb START COPY o V 6 Press START C0PY START COPY A V 7 I Enter yourname upto16characters using the numeric buttons SeeErrterin r a narle pg 31 Correcterrorsbv rnovingthc cursorto thc crrorusir r i or l l andcntcring thccurrect chlracter o o c Press STABT COPY whenyoufinishentering...
Page 51: ...he printtrul ol theOnc touchSpectl Dialinglist seeOnc torlch Speed Dialinglist pg 92 1 Press FUNCTI0N riita secondlbr TEL REGISTRATIONto appear 2 Press START COPY 3 piess tsrnii copvr FUNCTION SELECT MENU i3eSl TELREGISTRATION 1 TOUCH DIAL START COPY 6 V n 1 4 Use or toselect thenumber oftheOne touchf lt l button youwanttouseforthenumber It a nunrberi alrcadr rcgiste red lilr thisOrre tor rcll Spe...
Page 52: ... 8 press tSrRiT C0PYl toregister thename o o 03 CANON o _ c DATAENTRY OK r g I Toassign additional 0ne touch Speed Dialing numbers start fromstep4 Tofinish press ST0P Applying the faceplate l or rlrrie k relerencc u rite thc narncs tor the One tor rch Slrcctl irrling nurnbcrsr ou reclster on tlre laceplate iurd utlilch rt or cl ti rcOne touclr buttons Fit the 4 tabs ot the laceplatcinto tlrccorrcs...
Page 53: ...l Dialing list secCodcd SpeedDialing list pg 93 FUNCTION START COPY o V _ _ l f sTAR coPY o V Use or toselect thetwo digit codeyouwant _ lf t l toassign tothenumber 1 Press IFUNCTI0N ait u sr concl lirr l l I ti ISTRATIONto appear SELECT MENU 1s li TELREGISTRATION 2 Press STABT C0PY 1 TOUCH DIAL 4 J Use or toselect C0DED DIAL PfssIsTART c0PYl CODED DIAL 4 5 x 1 5 6 Enter theparty s number upto100 ...
Page 54: ...rcludc in the group arc ltlrt adv lcgistcreclundct nt touch or irilcd Spcctl I ialing thcn all lou havc to do is prcssthe Onc touch hut n rentcrthc trdctlSrrccd ialinc code to rcai tcl thettutnbers irLr rttLr t fcsi 1cf thc Onc touclrSpct dDillinu and C odcdSpecd I irlirrg nLrnrbcls trclirrc1ou can cnlcr lhenr in u it ou1 r Dialing nurrbcr 1 r i SELECT MENU I t_____ l 1see l J1 l T 1 I 1 TOUCH DIA...
Page 55: ...t l r c n L r r n c l i c b u t t o n st o c n t c rt h e lupprirpliutc nc touch SpccclDialrrrgrrurrlrcrs l rt l bctorc riru clrtcl cucl r Onc touch Spced l ialing nLrrllrcr lso hc Llreto clrlcr hoth cli its l o r c r u n r p l c z c r o l r n t lI l i r r 0 1 T rclrl l rrtictlSfccd I iirling r tunthcr prcs i O I t t l 1 l i I l I t 1 R Y l l h c r r L r s c t h c nurncriebtrltott to g111a tlrctqo...
Page 56: ...ATA ENTRYOK r 0 I STOP 1 2 Follow thesame steps thatyouwoulduse to register theGroup Dialing numbers andnames Sccstcpsl 1starting on pase 12 11 Press thearrowbuttons todisplay the0ne touch orGoded Speed Dialing number thatcontains the group youwanttochange Press START COPY Waita cconcllirr the FAXPHONITto clislrlay thc flrst spccd dialingnunrbcr in thegroup 1O GROUP DIAL f _ lf l l 3 4 START COPY ...
Page 57: ... s 34561 000 ERASING END 6 Press START C0PY Wirita sccond lirrGROIIPDIAL NAME to appear lirllowed bt 10 CIANON GROUP lor exanrplc ll rou r ant to changethc nameof thc group errter thc ncw nanreno See Jntering a nar te pg 3 l tbr detai Is START COPY o r DATA ENTRYOK is GROUP DIALNAME 1O CANON 7 Press STABT C0PY START COPY A t V I rryou nito change more Group Dialing num berc start this procedure ag...
Page 58: ... testthe FAXPHONE is to print a help list that is built into the s stem The helplistdcscribes basicoperating instructions 1 Press IFUNCTI0N FUNCTION SELECT MENU 2 Press HELP onthe0ne touch Speed Dialing hutton pad HELP 04a PRINTING Thc FAXPHONEprintsout thchelplist Il thehelplist doesnotprintfirr anyreason seeTroubleshooting pg l06 46 ...
Page 59: ...MAKING COPIES Preparing documents 48 Types ofdocuments you can scan 48 Loadi ng th edocu men t 49 Copying documents 51 ffi ffi 3 D x t o o o I h a ...
Page 60: ... inch 1 0rnrn rnargin on either nrnrlrnargin on thctopiutdbottomthatarerrot sideof thesheet anda 0 0tiinchtl 0 pickedup by thcscatrtter Problem Documents Do rxrtattcrnpt to f eed thetirllowingtypesol docr rntt nts intotheFAXPHONII wrinkledor creascd paper calbon paper or carbon backed papcr errvclopes l _r 1 M Renror e all staplcs paperclipsandthc like bcforeleerlingthedocurnent Makc surean1 glue ...
Page 61: ...criencing difTicLrlty feedingntultipa uc docurnents slanttheedges of thestackanclirrscrt thedocurnent into theAutomaticDocunrcnt Fceder ADF ffi ffi 3 D x o o o I u Youcan loadr rp to 20 letter size l0 legalsizeor 20A l sizesheets at a tirrc into theAutorratic Docr unent Ft eder ADF e Adiust theright paper guide tothewidthof Il nccded llip thc cxtetrsion tray towardthebackol ther rnit to acconrrnod...
Page 62: ... clocurncnts uait until thc twentictlr shcct has startcdteeding then load l0 l l l r l l c c l l l l l r l l S l l i c r Ilvou nant to adtlpa uc rihilc thc FAXPtI Nl rr ettdittgI cloctttttettt itlscl t lht ttr 1 nc prgc strit orelllips tltc lrrt pagc hl abottt l 1 irlchil crrl i airuntilthc llst pagc is bcing fcd into the FAXPtIONI hclirlc trli l lnc l il 50 ...
Page 63: ...intc Feed thedocument face down intotheAutomatic Document Feeder ADF Sce l ouJrnutht tkrcutlcrit 1 rL 19 Press START C0PY l i r r n u k el i i n g l ce f o c l i l e c t l rt o t c l l START COPY o V START COPY Ylrueunrrolrrr rkr eopr rin Si NI RI re olulion If thc resolutionis sc t to S Ir t Rt r ur l eruncnt rrill hc copicclirr FIN ntodc i1 sct ro S lANl R LI fo H l l I O l i r r r l L n l n t u...
Page 64: ...Thispageis intcntionally blank ...
Page 65: ...nding 59 Cancelling sending 60 R e d i a l i n g 6 0 Messages displayed during sending 61 Clearing document jams ejecting adocument from theADF 62 Delayedsending 63 Sending other documents while theFAXPH0NE isset forDelayed sending 64 Cancelling Delayed sending 65 Sequentialbroadcasting 66 S e n d i n g ad o c u m e n t t o m o r e t h a n o n e l o c a t i o n 6 6 Sending adocument using Group Di...
Page 66: ...TONIl setting rrhthis sctlinr rrea ol thc doctrnlent thatcontainphotosarcautomati eullr unnctluith 6 l lcvclsol urav rather than just I levcls blackand u hitc l hisresults itt a rttttch betterreploductiott ol thcphotograph SI l RD UTOHALFTONE andFINE AUTO HAI FTONL Prr s the rcsolutiolt buttonuntil the I iconappears Wncn A is clccted tl tc trr iiutotritticallv selccts between S IANDARDandSTANDARI ...
Page 67: ... storeclintage lettin uyou takc away the olisinui inrnrerliatcll altcr scannin Dialing methods Thcrearcrcvclulnrcthocls iiri clialins theleceiving party s nunrbcr depe nding on how r rrLrr F l llON i se t up Ianual Dialing Dialtherecipicnt s taxnur nbcr usingthcnunreric butt ns One totrchSpeedl ialing Diel a recipient s fax nurnberthat hasbccnasstgrrccl to a Onc toLrth SpecdI rirlingbuttonhv sirrr...
Page 68: ...ontheirfax Press ISTART C0PYl andhang up If vou heara high pitchtone pressISTART COPY andhansun Direct Sending To scanandtransrnit a docurncnt nepge atu tirncwithoutstoringit in memoryfirst lirllorvthestcpsbelow 1 hisproccdure is called Directsending UseDircct Scndingit you wantto visuallycontirmthatthe FAXPHONEscans the docurnent tach naceis scanned asit is sent Feed thedocument face down intothe...
Page 69: ...u ciln cnd d Lulllcnts lir lirllo s 1 2 document hasbeensentsuccess Feed thedocument face down intotheAutomatic Document Feeder ADF Scc rradinctl rc docurnent ng 19 DOCUMENT READY o g o o B x u Press the0ne touch Speed dialing button as signed tothenumber towhichyouwishtofax or Press C0DED DIAUDIRECTORY andenter the appropriate two digit Coded Speed Dialing code art a sccondlor thenunrbcrto appear...
Page 70: ...tons until thename whose number youwanttodialappears onthedisplay I ftr scarch thc list in alphabetical order prcssf 1 lir scarch thc listin lcrersealphrbctical order prcssl 1 I Thc firllouingcrrnrplcshowshow to lookup a rtr rrlher Eranrple One touch Speecl Dial buttonshavcbcenassigned as lirllorr s l Canon USA 0f CanonEngland 0J C anon Dcnnrrrk r ll _ After prcssin u ICODED DtAl DIRECTORYI twice ...
Page 71: ...ySending I Il thc mcnrorybccomcslull while scanning your docunrent MEMORY F Ul Lis display cd on thc l CD If thisshouldhappen vou nravneedto opcntheoperatiol panclto cmovethedocunrcnt seeClearing dricurre nt iams pg 62 Thentrl dii icl ing thedocurnent intose eral sections andsending eachsection inclir idual11 hetlcfinition of a letter sizc pagetirrmemorystol age pllrposcs isbascd onthcCCITT I Chru...
Page 72: ...lly redialstwrcealter the first attL l npt at sendingtails cg thclincr asbusy Tlrr Irrt re hclir een rct liuls i l nlinu le Youcanchangcthc nurlbcr of rcdialsandthetinrcbctweenredialshv changing thc TX Slll 1 INGStseepg tlllt 11 thcFAXPHONEf ails to gctthroughalierthcscconcl redial thcFAXPHONEheeps Thc I CD drsplavs REDIALING while thc t AXPHONEis in thc rcdialin s proccss I To cancel automatic re...
Page 73: ...plavtellsvou whcntransmission bcgins TRANSMIT fier a tcr r rnolnents thedisplaybe qins changing every2 seconds TX RXNo XXXX u TRANSMIT PXX Otherparty s nuntber ll E CM i o ll TR ANSMlTPXX i t d ispl lle d Otherparty s namc Forsomemodcls theothcrparty s namenrayalsobedisplal ed tier thr ilocurnent issent theFAXPHONEbecps onceandthedispla5t tellsyouwhen thctransr nission hrs cnded i rnarusvrrrNc oKI...
Page 74: ... 7 Grip theoperation panel withtheright r hand whileholdino down theFAXPH0NE withthelefthand is shown andgently pull thepanel toward youuntilitopens Gently push theoperation panel shut untilit clicks t Whileholding theoperation panel open a pullthesheet outfromthetoporbottom 3 62 ...
Page 75: ...eel oacling thedocr rrnent pg 49 1 Press FUNCTI0N Wait r second fbr TE l REGISTRATIONto appear FUNCTION leeb r_ l l Ll llyl SELECT MENU o h a o e o x X rn n 3 4 Press FRANSMISSI0N M0DEl IRAMMlSSlorv _yDE I MEMORY rX i 0 1 r l l START COPY SETTIME XX XX Use or toselect DELAYED TX Press START C0PY Waita second fbr SETTIME to aDDear 5 Enter thedesired sending time 24 hour clock using thenumeric butto...
Page 76: ...thc settinrccornes tl rc FAXPHONEdialsandsends thedocumcnt MEMORY INPUT PO1 Sending other documents while the FAXPHONE is set for Delayedsending Ytrucanscnd reccivc anrlcopyotherdocunrents cvcnwhcnthcFAXPHONEissctfirr sending at a preset time Thc FAXPHONEcanonlv registcr onL prcsctscnding perrtti rn at a tintc To scndor cop otherdocr rrnents alicrscttingtheFAXPHONElirr Delayed Sending sinrplvsendo...
Page 77: ...EGISTRATION 2 Press FRANSMISSI0N M0DEl rRAivsMlssloru MODE 0 1 MEMORY TX 3 Use or toselectDELAYED TX Press START C0PY ait a second lirr SET TIME to aooear 4 Press ICLEABi Press START C0PY I ellvcd Sendingcancels r lr __ DELAYED TX TX RXNO XXXX 1 s SET TIME 23 00 CLEAR rs l l SETTIME _ 5 START COPY c 7 ERASING END o g u e o B x u 65 ...
Page 78: ...izcpagcs basecl onthcCCITT l Chart standard resolu ti n 69 destinations 1 2 Feed thedocument lace down intotheAutomatic Document Feeder ADF Scc l oading thc clocunrcnt pg 19 DOCUMENT READY Dialtheother party sfaxnumber I Yor r cansencl to up to 7 destinations I Simpll enter the numbers one alter the other plcssthcdcsircd Onc touch SpccdDialingbutton or prcssIC OI ED DIAl DIRECTORYI tolIowed by the...
Page 79: ...digitcocle underwhichyou registcrcd the groilp Th FAIM II rl ucullv scans thedocument it tto memory I MEMORY NPUT P01i Aftcr scanning thedocr rrnent intornenror theFAXPHONEautornaticalll tlialseach nurnbel in theuroup I Il thcrcisnogroLrp rcgistercd undcrthcOne touclr SpecdDialingbuttonor thctwo digit codc thc L CDdisplavsthc NO fEl rressagc Makc surevou entercd the correctnumberandthatthc groupuh...
Page 80: ...This pageis intentionally blank ...
Page 81: documents and telephone calls automatically 71 Receiving documents inmemory 72 Printing documents inmemory 73 Restricting incoming documents 73 Receiving while registering copying orprinting 73 Requesting a document from another fax 74 74 Pollingreception Begistering apolling lD Requesting another faxtosend a document 75 I lTl o S t o B X u ...
Page 82: ...thehandset For thc FAXP ONlr ll 5 10 pick up the handseto1 thc crrrtncctcd crtcnsion phorrc 3 lfyouhear a person s voice start your conversa tion lfthecaller wants tosend adocument after talking toyou press ISTART C0PY toreceive the document 0r lfyouhear aslowbeep orsilence another faxis trying tosend youadocument Press ISTART c0PYl ortheFAXPH o NE B 5 10 or il r ou arcusingan crtcrtsion phone con...
Page 83: ...SWITCH is0N SccSctting upthc I AXPHONL tbr a sharcd line p g 1 8 Make sure theFAXPHONE issettoreceive over a dedicated faxline Scc l cccir ing docunrentsrutomaticall ovcr a rlcrlieltcdtax line pg 16 Press ANS H00KUP MANUAL rikc ulc hothtlre NS HOOK UP tEl and 1 Lr At iconsdo not appcar on the t CD tlisnlrn 2 ANS HOOK UP MANUAL L r 2 I I Press ANS H00KUP MANUAL lukc r Llc boththeANS HOOK tlP 14i an...
Page 84: nremory you seeoneof thefbllowing crlornt rnc l lhclirllouinoilcli rn Cause You ranout of ink or the BJ cartridgeis not setproperly Action Installa newBJcartridge SeeReplacing the BJ cartridge pg 103 Cause Thereis no BJ cartridge Action Installa BJ cartridge SeeInstallingthe BJ cartridge pg I0 Cause Youranouto1 recording paper Action Load paperinto the papertray thcn prcss ISTOPI SeeI oading th...
Page 85: ...90 Receivingwhile registering copyingor printing Il thc l XI llONF rings hil u rrc t eitteringtcgistratiott intirrrnation 2 lnaking il e lr f t l r r ltilr1r r rcllorl nlrnLllrll1 lili tlrc hlrrtdset I 11r ru hcur lLrlos irc cprrl rrothirrg ut lll sorneoncis trying to send a lar press lSl Pi 1oerrtccl 1 2 r l ltcrt pre s lST l C OPYl l i i Ln el rttltf rttg i rc p t rcceirc a I ar tttakc ttrc that...
Page 86: in thcdocumcnt t eeder or loadcdin mcmoryto be polle d PollinglDs arcr ight digit nunrbcrs consisting ol only zerosancl ones Registering a polling lD Il thc othcrparn hrs a Canunlar pollingID nruslnratch Youcrnnotpoll i1 the othcrparty s anduscsa poll ingl D o the r tha nlll lll ll yo u r lD is XXXXXXX 1 2 Press FUNCTI0N artu scconcl lbr l EL RtGISTRATIC Nto aopear FUNCTION SELECT MENU 1sec TEL...
Page 87: ...c I ur io bc pollctl hustitt linrc pollinr ID as otlr FAXPHONT 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 DATAENTRYOK 1sBc fl Trv l I 6 Press ST0P tofinish registration STOP Requesting another fax to send a document akc 1 Press IFUNCTI0N uit u scct ntllirr fl _l_ Rh llS l ltAf I N to appulr 2 Press FBANSMISSI0N M0DEl 5 Use or to select P0LLING Piss TSTART O0PYl FUNCTION i l rRAMMlSSr0ru MODE 01a__ Elt l l v POLLING START CO...
Page 88: ...clials if theotherIar rrachine docsnotanswet ol ilthclincrsbusv Y oucanspccit r thcr r unr ber o l tin rcsitlcdi al s se eA UTORE DIAL in TX SETTIN lS pg 8li t Iir sto1 r pollingbctbrcthc lax is linishecl presslSTOPl I1 theALARM light is flirshing tirr anv rcas n correcttheprohlerranclthcnpress ISTOPl Il necessarl rclerto Tror rbleshooting p t 0 1 I You cun reqLlestup to 7l locutior rs to scnclvou...
Page 89: ...HONEas a telephone 78 Making telephone calls 78 Receiving a document manually using theextension phone 78 Using the FAXPHONEwith an answering machine 79 Recording theoutgoing message 79 Adjusting theFAXPH0NE different types ofanswering machine 80 r EI fi T o Ifl ...
Page 90: ...thecall pickup thehandset iru canleavethepartvoll hold for approxintatell six nrintttcs aflcr rlhich the ITAXPHONE alrtontatically han us ttp Receiving a document manually using the exten sion phone I1 r our cxtcnsiorr phoncis connccted to the FAXPHONEbut is rrotlocatedncarthe rrnrt 1 oucltnactiVatc rcceptiotr of a docurncnt manuallyh answering theextcnrrtrtl phoncr iithoutphi sicalll touching the...
Page 91: ...ussoonaspossible Il you woulcllike to senda 1ax pre ss thc start button nvour1u aticrrecording ourntcssagc I hankyou I l carc 1 sccondspauscatthebeginningofthcntcssrgc thc 1 secondspar rseplusthc oLrtgoing nrcssage shor rlcl notexceedl5 seconds I Sc t tirernsuering rlachine to answer on theIirstor second ring I Using the FAXPHONEwith the answering machine 1 ffi iil H 39 dI t Eil rE s 2 Press ANSH0...
Page 92: ...e this problenr adjusttheANS FAX SWITCH TIME settingin the RX Strl TlNGS seepg 89 Acljustsothattherequired tirnefirr the FAXPHONF ttr s itchoccursprior to thc tintewhenyour answering I nachinc disconnccts autotllrtti callr Il rouransr vcringrr rachinedoesnotrecordatall ordoesnotfinishrecordingthcrtriee rnLr sage change tl re ANS FAXswitchto OFF WhentheANS FAXSWITCHissetto Ol F thc FAXPHONEswitchcs...
Page 93: ...SETTINGS ANDACTIVITY REPORTS h 3 id 5 I d ...
Page 94: ...nd lol Itxr etlby thc f I l Ii llc I51 llATI N ttrctttt l c the lrrr l uttortsto scroll thrrlugh tlrc lllcllLls Prc o ttr displll thcSLLEC I N lENI t r tE t Ptcss Prcss lo co to tlte nctl ttlettu to g l thc l ltcViott ttlctltt t i _l I REPORT SETTTNGS I t__ i 1 lt l r Ptess i l u hett vttu u ish to tllakc lt charrge to u settin 1 f rcss f t c it l rolil the user nlclll l et l I l n g s r tfEt I TX...
Page 95: ...RT SETTINGS ruenucontains tlic lirllowinssettinss START COPY I TheTEL REGISTRATI N rncnucontains thc lirllowincsertinss START COPY START COPY A 7 al l f _l Dr 3i sE ig 5 I d rrol l T l lr _ l lI hc TX SET IN S nrerru contains thelirllowingsc rrins START COPV D 7 r r r_ _ ENTER YOURTEL RXCALLLEVEL 83 ...
Page 96: ...contains thc tirlloriinu cttirllls IEqM RX l lal l llc 1 _ i INCoMING RING I ANSiFAXSWITCH INKSAVER 4llolElll ryL l RXRESTRICTION POLLING ID TAX PRINTER v f l t j I TheSYSTIiNI SIITTIN S tttenu contairts tltc tirllor i rtrg sctting l START COPY A t ll 7 r _ l f _ MAN AUTO SWITCHI REMOTE RX 84 i RXSTARTSPEED ...
Page 97: ... setting pressISTART COPYIandconfirmthat DATAENTRYOK displays on theLCD Unless thismcssage displays thesetting has notbeenchanged Example Changing INCOMING RING the number of rings before the FAXPHONE answers 1 Press FUNCTI0N Wait a second fbr TEt REGISTRATIONto aooear FUNCTION SELECT MENU fti eb TELREGISTRATION 2 Use or toselect RXSETTINGS T l r __l RXSETTINGS D O 3i s ig TD EE I d START COPY A t...
Page 98: ...T C0PY Use thenumeric buttons toenter anewringcountfor example 3 START COPY o I DATAENTRY OK _l I nrrrrc couNT 1EBc r l t 1r I Press START COPY standby mode 9TART COPY l A I onrn ENrRY oK V 0 pt rsiopiio iirirr r gitttiii t t dreturn to 86 ...
Page 99: ...AGE Posrtror tire Tiloutside theimage area ll SDE IIVAGE Position theTTI inside themage area Se ot theicon forthefaxnumber FAX Sets thefaxcon IEr Sets theteephone cor TTIOPTIONSET TTI POSITION TTIMARKER OUTSIDE IMAGE r NSIDE IMAGE FAX TEL D h 3i s ig 5 I d DENSITY CONTROL lletthedens tyofthereprorlLrction Set toDABKER for tgirt rrriilrrals and LIGHI ER lordark 0rgnals Lnab e disable theotfh00k ala...
Page 100: ...ROR ONLY ACTIVITYREPORT AUTOPRINT TX RX SEPARATE Unless you chan te thesetting y0Llr FAXPH0NE rssett0prlnt an activ tymanagement report forevery 20transactions sendtng or receivi ng Enab e disabLe automat cprinting oftheactivrty rep0ft Dv detheactrvity management report ntosending and recerving transactions OUTPUT YES OUTPUT NO ON OFF INKSAVER Enable drsable econ0my printing ink saving leature whe...
Page 101: ...ll Set theduratl0n ofsience theFAXPH0NE istens forto determ neifataxrscom ngin 0N 0FF 4seconds 1 to60 MAN AUTO SWITCH RINGTIME Determine t theFAXPH0NE swtches t0docllment receive mode after theFAXPH0NE r nqs foraspecif iedtime when the FAXPH0NE is nthemanual rece vemode Seitheam0unt oftime theFAXPHONE w l ring before sv tchrnq todocument receive mode ON OFF 10seconds 1 to99 REMOTE RX REMOTE RX ID ...
Page 102: ...ilclof cttils uc in bolLl Fol instructions on hou to change a setting rcferttt I Iorl tti change a setting pgi t5 fi6 AUTOTESTPRINT Enab e disable aLrt0 testprint ngwhenever theBJcartr dqes rep accd ON OFF RX RESTRICTION Enableid sable reception thatisrestlcted toonly numbers registered forOne touch orCoded Speed Dialing ON OFF POLLING ID Set thepollino lD See pg74 00000000 DATEFORMAT Set thedate ...
Page 103: ...ctvpc l rcp rt oucanhavethc I AXPHONEprintthc rcportilttto mlrtrcallv r oLr cilnprintit drrectlr SccREPORT StaT IINGS pg Slttotthou attd hcrrrcport arepnntccl autornlticalll The FAXPHONEprintsthe Scrrd report Rc ccivercport anclN lLrlti ae tir itv l cport rutolnaticalll only You lllintla sanrplc of eachrcport bclow Press IFUNCTI0N FUNCTION _ 2 Press REP0RIl REPOBT 02 3 Use or todisplay thetypeofre...
Page 104: ...ansaction nurlber Error C ocle Scc Error Codesmessages and solutions pg lt 9 l Sl OPl u rtrp rcr cti ti urin g transacti0n Thc numberof thepagewith at error Tht FAXPHONF prirrtssencling andrcccivingtransactions together in thesanlcre 1 rolt You canalsosctthe FAXPHONEto print scndinganclreccivingtransactir ns sr palatclr SeeTX RX SI PARAIE pg 13lt One touch Speed Dialing list rsts thc infolnration ...
Page 105: ...Goded Speed Dialing list istsinlbrnration lirr eachot theregislered CodedSpcecl Dialingnumbcrs Group Dialing list Lists the inlbrmation for cach ol thc rcgistercduroups firr the Group Dialing functitrn D O 3 Id E I d 93 ...
Page 106: ... c l r l e r f R PORI in IttrPORl SE l l lNGS pg 88 repolt 10r sendtng bttt you can tirnc vor rscrtda docunrcnt Sec Yiru can sct thc I AXPIIONII to prirlt att ltcti it rcport tlnlv u hett att el ror occtll s drrringsentlirtr Sec l X RHPORT irr ItEPOR I SE l TIN iS pg 8E YoLrcan scr thc F r XPHONFito print the I irstpagc of the dttctttnetrts Valid otlll tor nrenr t tritnsrnissittns SecTX CONi lRM R...
Page 107: ...n activityrepoftonly whenan erroroccurs durirrgreceirinc Scr RX REPORTin REPORTSETTINGS pg 88 Multi activity report I iststhc rcrult ol a Secluential broadcast I Il 1 ousettheFAXPHONEto printactivityrcports TX REPORTor RX REPORT andthcnuscSr quential broadcasting or Pollingreception with multipleparties Multi rctir itr rcportwill beprintedinstead of theactivityreport Sending or Receiving See X RFI...
Page 108: ...cmorywill bc saved lirr approrirratelyan hour Il thc powerfailurcoccursfirr an cxtended periodol trnrcbcrondthislirnit thc docunrents in thc FAXPHONEmemorywill bc lost Alicr rou turnon thc FAXPHONEassoonaspoweris rcstored theI AXPHONE will autornaticirllv printoutr listof documents thatwerestored in theIremoryatthe linrcot thepowcrtirlurc 96 ...
Page 109: ...d o w 1 0 0 C l e a n i n g t h ep r i n t e r a r e a 1 0 1 Cleaning theBJcartridge print head 102 Replacing theBJcartrid9e 103 Troubleshooting 104 Print quality problems 108 Error codes messagesand solutions 109 fn case of a power failure 112 During a power failure 112 Memorv backuo functi0n 112 Specifications 113 Appendix 115 Document sizes 115 What happens when theFAX TEL switch is0N 116 Gloss...
Page 110: ... Grip theoperation panel withtheright 2 t hand whileholding down theFAXPH0NE withrhelefthand is shown andgently pull thepanel toward youuntilitopens Gently push theoperation panel shut untilit clicks Whileholding theoperation panel open pullthesheet outfrom thetoporbottom 3 98 ...
Page 111: ...Close thefront cover 2 Remove therecording paper 4 Pullthe sheet outslowly t1 7 A Load thepaper see loading thepaper rt pg 6 thenreplace thepapel traycover andpress tST0Pl T 0pen thefront cover a 1 oo oo 3F 9s Id Bd F IT 3 r i I ri 1___ ___ll r i i i I t t i i r I ti 1 r l N L l l t r L ...
Page 112: ...l tlte FAXPHONT wipcthc FAXPHONEwith a solvent asit nravclatnage the exterior Cleaningthe glassscanningwindow Thc glassscunning uinckrwcanaccunrulate ciirtrvithcontinucci use rcsulttng in spots on l axcs ltttrlcol rics lTo clean the glass scanning window I Disconnect the power cord 2 0pen the front cover Press downonthescanning window assembly andclean theglass window with adrycotton swab 3 100 ...
Page 113: 6 Hr F fTl 3 o I Renror c an_u ink mistor paperdebrisfrorr thc interior ot theprinterusingl softcloth Clean espccrallr uell around theplaten areir Il thc nrllersbc corne dirty you cancleiinthcrnusinga snrall softbrush I NcverLrse a sollent suchasthinner or benzene to eieantheptrnlerurca I Do not rcnlo ethe BJ cltrtridge or attemptto wipethecartridgc printhead g Clean theprinter area withasoft d...
Page 114: ...gradation in thc printcluality trl clcurtrrtu theplinthclcl lclnillr thcpr inl ht udcorrsurrre s a snrall anlount ol ink Cllcaning tooottcnsignifi iuntir lttlLrecs thcanurunt itrkin thecarlridgc Press IFUNCTI0N lit r ecorrcl lbr l t l ItlrcIS fRAIION to appear FUNCTION SELECT MENU 13 a 2 press ctiANlNG CLEANING 03f _l HEAD CLEANING I t r L r t t r t r l J l n A l l U l 102 ...
Page 115: ...rnessagc CHANGE CARTRIDGE dis pla1 cd 4 Insert a newcartridge Seelnstalling theBJcartridge steps 3to8 ps 10 Dispose ol the BJ cartridge propcrlr You rnavwantto placeit irra plasticbagto keep fronrspillinganvt t siclual ink ffi oo oo F 9e d d F E S t 2 Raise thegreen cartridge release lever up g Remove thecartridge 103 ...
Page 116: ... 9l 109 akc surethereis a dial tonewhenyou lifi thehandset J Are the images you send or copy spotted or dirty l tlrt documant scurtning glu s s cleun Il thcscanning glassis dirty cleanit Seepg l X Lslltc otltcrpurN sfu rw orking properh fo conl irmcorrectoperation of yourown FAXPHONE makea copy If thccopvisclcar theotherparty s fax mayhavea problem ls tht dot urnent fetl correctll itttotheAutomali...
Page 117: ...rinted olltanydocuments in ntemory Seepg 73 ChccktheLCD lbr anclrormessage Seepg l09 Sorne lirr unitscannot sendtheCNC signalthattellsyourFAXPHONE thcinconting signalis frorna tax In sllchcases youwill haveto rccei e thedocurnent rnanually J Cannot receivea document manually Lsu docrttrrcttt lctl irtlotheFAXPHONE Rernove thedocurlent Youcannotrcceivewhenthereis it dclcumcnt lbd intoyourFAXPHONE Di...
Page 118: ...l c sulcto rr rllovcthcorarrge tapc fi ornthc BJcartridge betirrcyou install it in thr Fi Xl HONE Sccpg l0 lukcsurcthc B lcartliclge is installed correctiy Secpg l0 leunihr printhcadscl cral tintes Seepg 102 l r r irnothcr 3Jcartriclge J Are the images you print blotched or uneven ft oLt tr sirr q C M sctrditt q rct eivirtg ECNIscncling rcce ir ingsholrld clinrinatc suchprobletrts Howcver il the t...
Page 119: ... loading it intothepaper tray Alwar sfln a stackof paper alongthecdgc thatwill teedrntothet irst Makesurethepapcrtra does notcontain toot t tuch paper Renttlrclt I cu sheets of paperfrontthepapertray lf dittcrent paper typesareloaded in thepapertray loadlustonepapef type SeeLoadingthepaPer Pg 6 J Paper is loaded skewed Printing is skewed N lake sure thepaperis kraded properlyin thepapertral thc ri...
Page 120: ...aning theprinthead repeat the hcadclcaning procedurc again li outputstillis notsatisl actory afterclean ing thc plint headfir econsc cutivc tirnc s r eplace the BJ cartridge Sec p g 1 0 3 I ll thc tirllowingprintqualityproblerns occurin the entireprintingarea checkltrrthcrrostprulbable cause andrerneclv aslistedbelow Print Results Iost ProbableCause Remedv Snruclgccl Paper type Try a dif fbrent ty...
Page 121: ...G3machine Setyour FAXPHONE to the setting thatmatches your telephone line Seep9 14 Contact the otherPartY andhavethemcheck their fax Youcantry to sendthe document manually For an overseas call add pauses to the registered number Seep9 33 CHANGE CARTRIDGE TheBJcartridge is emptyor the inkhas driedout Replacethe BJ cartridge S eep 9 10 3 CHECK RECPAPER CHK FRONT COVER oh oo F 3 9s I6 d F n 3 o 009 N...
Page 122: ...le MEMORY FULL 037 Thememoryof the FAXPHONE isfull becauseit hasre ceivedtoo many documents Thememoryisfull because you triedto sendtoo manypages at once Printout anydocuments thatarestoredin memory Thenstartthe operation again Seep9 73 Dividethe documents and sendeachpartseparately MULTITRANS ON Sequential broadcast ing is in progress with a pausebetween calls lf you wantthe FAXPHONE to continue ...
Page 123: ... memory Seepg 73 REC PAPER JAM 009 Thereis a paperjam Clear thejam thenpress lSTOPl Seep9 99 REDIALING TheFAXPHONE is waitingto redial the otherparty snumber because the linewas busyor the other partydid not answer whenyou triedto sendthe document Waitfor the FAXPHONE to try redialing lf thatdoesn t work wait untilthe FAXPHONE starts to dial the number thenpress tSTOPI to cancel redialing Tryto se...
Page 124: ...eproperinstallation locationo1 the FAXPHONE to rlaintaintheoptintunt pertirrrnance of thc memorybackupfunction Thcoptinrunr pc rlirrnrancc ofthc ntenrory backupfunctionofapproximately I hour uas reriflcd u hercthc antbienttemperaturc was ntaintained at 73 4 F 23 C at r0r irclativchunritlitr Mernorvbackr rp perfilrlnance may vary according to the pe ratlr g cnrironrnent l he userdatr settrngs andre...
Page 125: ... 3 85lines ttrtt 196lines inch 7 7lines rnnt Transmission time Scanning line density Scanning method Recording method Paper tray capacity Paper type Image memory Applicable lines Auto dial functions Solidstateelectronic scanning by contactirragesenstlt BubbleJetprinting Maximum100sheets 20lb or 75g rri Maximumthickness of stackcd papcr 0 39 1l0 rnm Plaincutsheet paper Letter l egal Paper weightll ...
Page 126: ... Printhead 64 bubblejet nozzles By enablingtheINKSAVER mode ink consumption canbc decreased by asmuchasliliy percent resultingin a longer etl ectivecaftridgeIif e Approx 29ml l20Y160Hz Standby approx 9 W 68 F 20 C roomtemp Operation approx 29W rnaximum 13 W based on allblackcopy Temperature 50 to 90 5 F 10 to 32 5 C Humidity 20to 80 RH FAXPHONE85 0 14 2 W x I 1 6 D x 12 9 H 360mm Wtx 294rnm D x 32...
Page 127: ...9 4 1m in length J h rLetual scanncdimagc sizc lbr thc FAXPHONE is shown below I 5 8 148mm t i Legal Lelter V I 0 08 2 0 mm V 0 08 0 04 Q14mm 0 04 1 0 mm 1 0 mm l hcrc is l 0 04 t1 0nrnrt nrarginon eithcrsidcof the sheetand a 0 08 2 0mm mrrginon thctop ancl bottonrthatarenotpickcdup bv thescanner I d oocument th ckness l i r r i r r r L r n r l l X 5 r 1 l l n r r l r Minimunr 0 X 3 0 08 nrrn 1 1 ...
Page 128: ...FAXPHONE switchcs to receivcntodeautomatically andstansreeerving thedoculnent If no docunrrrtt cotrtes in it disconnects Tochange the settings t Press IFUNCTIONI Prcss thc untilRX SETTINGis displaycd in theLCD PrcssISTAR1 COPY J Press the l untilFAX TEI SWITCH is displayed in thc LCD Press START COPY Press or to choose between ON andOFF Press ISTART COPY l 5 If FAX TEL SWITCH wassetto ON goto step...
Page 129: ...cation thnrugh theFAXPHONE s nrcrnory Bubble Jet printing An ink jcttypeprintingmcthodthatheats thcink to theboilingpointto fbrma huhble Whenthebubblc expands thereis no room lefi in the nozzlefirr thc ink andthe ink is projectedonto the papcr CCITT 1 Chart A testchart del ined by CCITT uscdto measurc tl tc transmission speedaswell asthe transmittittg and receiving memorycapacity of a fax r nachin...
Page 130: ...d to theFAXPHONE thatis usedin place ofthe handset You can use thc cxten sion telephone to activatc incorning reccption o1 docunrentsmanually E ECM FAX TEL switching Thisoptionallows youto scttheFAXPHONE to automi rtically detectwhethera call is lronl a tax or telephonr If thecall is trrtu another lax thL trans missionisautomatically rcceirecl lf thecallistionr a telephonc thc FAXPHONErirtgs to le...
Page 131: uscthe rrurncric huttolrs to cnternumbers and lctterswhen r0u reqistcrnunrbcrs anclnarnes and lirr entcring odedSpeed Dialingcoclcs u ithtwo or moredigits GIosnry One touch Speed Dialing buttons The rectangular buttonsnumbered 0l to 20 on the operation panel eachof whichmayberegistercd as a lax or tclephone numbcr Oncea nur nbcr isregis tered you pressonebuttonto dial theentirenunt ber Pause A ...
Page 132: ...iorn the sender at the top of a documentincluding dateand tirnc the scndcr sl ax telephonc number sender sname recciver s nameor companvnarle andpagenum bcr AlsocalledTTI or fransmit Terrninal ID Sending speed l he bitspersecond ratcatwhichdocuments aresent Seealsobps 120 GIosnry STANDARD A document setting firrsending nornlal typeu rltten t t I n r i t t t c d t i o e u t t l c n l r t l l l i l ...
Page 133: ...glistof nuntbers registered lbr 91 93 registering lI Connecting answering nrachine l3 extcnsion phone I 3 FAXPHONTto telephone l i n e l 3 handset 1 Copying 5l Darkening documents 54 87 Date tbrrnat 90 on clocuments you scnd 35 registering 36 Dedicatedlax line explanation l 5 recciving documents over l6 settingFAXPHONEfbr use over l6 Delayedsending 63 Deleting SeeErasing Density changing 5 1 87 of...
Page 134: ...eivirrg 15 20 70 receiving withextension 78 r edi alr ng 60 Maximum document sizc I l5 nurlbero1 docttrlcnts tn memorl 72 Memory capacitl whcnreceiving 72 capacity whcnsending 59 printrn g documcnts received in 73 Memory Sending explanation 55 using 59 Minimum documentsize I 15 ente ringwhenregistcrin e 3 1 on docurnents yousend 35 registcring 37 Numeric buttons dialingu ith 5 5 entering narlesr i...
Page 135: ... prescttinte 6 l lcuring tlocurrrent jamr hen 62 9lJ Index darkening documents whcn 5 1 137 Dclaycd 6 j Dire ct 56 docunrcnts with fine lines 5 1 docurncnts with photos illustlations 5 1 E CM 81 J f eeding docurnents fbr 19 lightcning documents when 54 E7 Mernorv 59 non usable typesof docu rnents whcn 18 preparing docurncnts belbre 18 redialing and 60 Setting up handset 1 packinglist tbr 3 powerre...
Page 136: ...Kingdom CANONFRANCES A Centre d Affaires Paris Nord 93 154 Le Blanc Mesnil Cedex France CANONDEUTSCHLAND GMBH Postfach528 47705KrefeldGermany CANONLATINAMERICA INC SALESDEPARTMENT P O Box7022 Panama 5 Rep of Panama BEPAIRSERVICE CENTER P O Box2019 ColonFreeZone Rep of Panama CANONHONGKONGTRADINGCO LTD 10 F MirrorTower 61 ModyRoad Tsimshatsui East Kowloon HongKong CANONSINGAPORE PTE LTD 79 AnsonRoa...