For subjects that change
speed and move erratically
For erratic subjects, moving in
any direction
For subjects that accelerate or
decelerate quickly
Instantly focus on subjects
suddenly entering AF points
Continue to track subjects,
ignoring possible obstacles
Versatile multi-purpose
A c o m b i n a t i o n o f p a r a m e t e r s t o b e s t s u i t t h e
characteristics of subject movement have been used to
create the presets from Case 1 – Case 6. By selecting the
appropriate icon, the different AI Servo AF settings can
be selected to suit the subject.
The best parameters
for different subjects
and shooting scenes
are combined into
presets from
Case 1 - 6
*This setting is not available with the Single-point Spot
AF(Manual selection) and Single-point AF(Manual
selection) modes
Overview of AF Configuration
Tool [Presets]