Remember before
You Start Operation
Place your original on the platen glass
Place the original
with the scan
side face down.
Place to fit
inside the
Suitable for scanning book
pages, magazine pages
and newspaper clips.
Place your originals into the feeder
Place the originals
with the scan side
face up.
the slide
Suitable for continuously
scanning many pages of
literature, quotation, etc.
Place the Original Properly
Start the Operation from the Operation Panel
1. Place the original.
2. Press , and select <Scan>.
3. Select the type of scan, and enter the necessary information.
4. Select <Start>, <B&W Start> or <Color Start>.
Types of scan
Store in computer
Store in USB memory device
Send e-mail/I-Fax
Send to file server
To scan from a computer
MF Scan Utility
For details
"Scanning" in the User's Guide
Quick Operation
* NFC may not be available, depending
on the model of the machine.
Operation Panel
Display (screen)
NFC (Near Field
Communication) mark*
([Energy Saver] key)
([Home] key)