CANNON Instrument Company® | Advanced Setup
Table 18 — Method Settings: Advanced
Maximum Bulb 1 Fill Time
Maximum time (sec) to fill bulb 1
Minimum Bulb 1 Select Time Time (1/10 sec) used to determine whether the sample runs in bulb 1
or bulb 2. Bulb 1 is selected if the efflux exceeds this time
Minimum Bulb 2 Fill Time
Maximum time (sec) to fill bulb 2
Maximum Bulb Empty Time
Maximum time (sec) for the sample to drop between the target sensor
and the bottom sensor
Tube Empty Time
Percentage of the bulb 1 efflux time that is used to empty the tube
after the bottom sensor becomes uncovered
Bulb 1 Overdraw Time
Time (sec) that the sample is pulled past the target sensor during a
bulb 1 sample fill
Bulb 2 Overdraw Time
Time (sec) that the sample is pulled past the target sensor during a
bulb 2 sample fill
Bulb 3 Overdraw Time
Time (sec) that the sample is pulled past the target sensor during a
bulb 3 sample fill
Sample Draw Delay
Time (sec) after the sample cup is raised before sample is drawn into
the tube
Bulb 1 Vent Drain Time
Time (sec) for a bulb 1 sample between when the tube vent is opened
to atmosphere and the sample efflux starts
Bulb 2 Vent Drain Time
Time (sec) for a bulb 2 sample between when the tube vent is opened
to atmosphere and the sample efflux starts
Bulb 3 Vent Drain Time
Time (sec) for a bulb 2 sample between when the tube vent is opened
to atmosphere and the sample efflux starts