Response: <State><CR>
| = Pipe character (0x7C)
AA = Two byte address, ASCII digits (00-31)
GR = Literal GR
Data = 1 or 2
CR = Carriage return, (0x 0D)
State = The state of the requested relay, possible responses:
1 = On
1 = Off
2 = On
2 = Off
! = Exclamation point character (0 x21)
Laser LT Query Display Command
The query display command will return what is currently being displayed and is mainly intended for testing.
An example of a possible operation would be to transmit a weight string or a display message command to the
Laser LT
, let it set the display, transmit the query display command and capture the response. The response could
then be compared against what was expected.
Response: <displayed>,<annunicator state><CR>
| = Pipe character (0x7C)
AA = Two byte address, ASCII digits (00-31)
QD = Literal QD
displayed = 6 characters minimum, up to 12 with decimal points.
A space (hex 20) represents a blank.
<CR> = Carriage return, (0x 0D)
<annuciator state> = The sum of the lit annunicators. For example: a value of 17 indicates that the lb and gross
annunicators are lit.
lb = 1
kg = 2
red = 4
green = 8
gross = 16
net = 32
center zero = 64
standstill = 128
! = Exclamation point character (0 x21)