The TCA window(s) are set for the peak energy of the calibration source (or
x-ray lines). You’ll manually adjust the amplifier gain until the peak of
interest is in the window. Once an initial channel is calibrated, subsequent
channels can simply be gain normalized (unless amplifier settings such as
shaping time or energy range are different).
Gain Normalization Procedure
The gain normalization procedure provides for gain adjustments to ensure that the am-
plifier outputs from all channels are matched. Once this is done, SCA window settings
can be changed by entering new values and using the “apply to all” check box to select
different energies.
Performing the Gain Normalization
When at least one channel has been calibrated, you’ll need to select the Gain
Normalization procedure from the 2016 Amp/TCA Software main menu.
The procedure starts with the screen in Figure 7, which lets you select a
channel to be gain normalized. Pressing Ok brings up the screen in Figure 10,
which asks you to select a previously calibrated channel to use as the
Gain Normalization Procedure
Figure 9 Choosing the SCA to Calibrate