Installation Manual of Classic Solar Modules
Rev IM/GN-CM-EN/1.0 Copyright© October, 2020 Canadian Solar Inc. 1
This general manual provides important safety information relating to the installation, maintenance and
handling of CS-series solar modules.
Professional installer must read these guidelines carefully and strictly follow these instructions. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in death, injury or property damage. The installation and handling of PV modules
requires professional skills and should only be performed by qualified professionals. The installers must inform
end-users (consumers) the aforesaid information accordingly. The word "module" or "PV module" used in this
manual refers to one or more CS-series solar modules.
This manual is only valid for the classic module types CS5AH-M, CS5PH-M, CS5PH-P, CS6AH-P, CS6AH-M,
Please retain this manual for future reference. We recommend checking www.canadiansolar.com regularly for
the most updated version.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change by Canadian Solar Inc. without prior notice.
Canadian Solar Inc. gives no warranty of any kind whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly, with respect to the
information contained herein.
In the event of any inconsistency among different language versions of this document, the English version
shall prevail. Please refer to our product lists and documents published on our website at:
http://www.canadiansolar.com as these lists are updated on a regular basis.
Canadian Solar Inc. shall not be held responsible for damages of any kind, including – without limitation – bodily
harm, injury or damage to property, in connection with handling PV modules, system installation, or compliance
or non-compliance with the instructions set forth in this manual.
Warning: Before attempting to install, wire, operate and/or service the module and other
electrical equipment, all instructions should be read and understood. PV module connectors
pass direct current (DC) when exposed to sunlight or other light sources. Contact with
electrically active parts of the module, such as terminals, can result in injury or death,
irrespective of whether or not the module and the other electrical equipment have been
Avertissement: Toutes les instructions devront être lues et comprises avant de procéder à
l’installation, le câblage, l’exploitation et/ou l’entretien des panneaux. Les interconnexions
des panneaux conduisent du courant continu (CC) lorsque le panneau est exposé à la lumière
du soleil ou à d’autres sources lumineuses. Tout contact avec des éléments sous tension du
panneau tels que ses bornes de sortie peut entraîner des blessures ou la mort, que le
panneau soit connecté ou non.
General Safety
All modules must be installed by licensed electricians in accordance to the applicable electrical codes such