6.9. StandBy mode
A) Turning off the power of the IP camera head (Camera Standby function):
Through www: Log in to the LTE communication module e.g.
Services > Inputs
Outputs > Output > ON / OFF
. We turn on "Camera Standby Mode", the
camera will be turned off. Turn on the camera in the same way as turn it off.
Through SMS: Send an SMS containing "<password> camera_off" or "<password>
camera_on" to the SIM card number. In the <password> enter your password, e.g. "camsat ca-
mera_off" or "camsat camera_on".
The active standby status is shown in the
Services >> Inputs
Outputs >> Status
B) IP camera head off by default after starting the system:
The Camera Standby function can be turned on by changing the settings
Services > Inputs
Outputs > Output > Configuration
of the output in the active state, set the
‘Camera Standby’ output to ‘off’.
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