3. Click Rename. Enter a descriptive name for the data logger.
4. Apply your changes.
5. Repeat these steps for each leaf data logger in the network.
If you experience problems with network communications, see
(p. 134) for assistance.
Using additional communication methods
Using similar instructions, an RF451 data logger can be used in a system with additional
communication methods. For example, in the following image, the router RF451 data logger
communicates with LoggerNet through an RV50 cellular modem connected to RF451 data logger
using the RS-232 port. The router RF451 data logger communicates with the leaf RF451
dataloggers over RF.
3.2 Testing communications with EZSetup
1. Using data logger support software EZ Setup, access the Communication Test window. This
window is accessed during EZ Setup (see
(p. 20) for more
information). Alternatively, you can double-click a data logger from the station list to open
the EZ Setup Wizard and access the Communication Test step from the left side of the
3. Setting up the CR6