2. Transmit Subnet ID (TX ID): This setting identifies the ID on which this device transmits, and
in turn which devices will listen to it. The TX ID Subnet ID setting is only relevant for
MultiPoint Masters or Repeaters.
Default Setting:The default (disable) setting for both RX ID and TX ID is 15 (0xF), which is a visual
way to indicate that the device is the final in the line of communication and does not use a
subnet ID. A Multipoint Slave with a Subnet ID of 15,15 (0xF,0xF) does not roam from one
Repeater or network to the next, it only links to a Master or Repeater that has either a TX ID
setting of 0 or 15.
For the Master, the default setting causes the Master to actually transmit on 0, and it will
receive any Subnet ID.
For Slaves, the default setting (15,15) disables the use of Subnet IDs; they will connect to
the first Master or Repeater that has the same Network ID as the Slave.
If Subnet IDs are to be used, the downstream radios (slave or repeater) that need to
connect directly to the Master will need their RX ID set to same value as the Master radio TX
ID. If the Master radio is set to its default value of 15 the slave or repeaters that need to
connect directly to the Master must have a RX ID setting of 0.
Long data type
Read only
Where to find:
Settings Editor tab in Device Configuration Utility: RF451 > Receive SubNet ID RadioSlaveRepeat
The Slave/Repeater mode allows a transceiver in a MultiPoint network to switch between Slave
and Repeater functions. When in this mode, a transceiver will repeat any packets sent across the
network as well as utilize the wired port.
To operate a transceiver as a MultiPoint Slave/Repeater, the operation mode must be set to
MultiPoint Repeaterand Slave/Repeater set to Enable Slave/Repeater.
Long data type
Where to find:
Settings Editor tab in Device Configuration Utility: RF451 > Slave/Repeater RadioSlaveRetry
This setting defines how many times (0 to 9) the Slave will attempt to retransmit a packet to the
Master before beginning to use a back-off algorithm (defined by the RadioRetryOdds setting).
10. Information tables and settings (advanced)