8.6 Power budgeting
In low-power situations, the data logger can operate for several months on non-rechargeable
batteries. Power systems for longer-term remote applications typically consist of a charging
source, a charge controller, and a rechargeable battery. When ac line power is available, a VAC-
to-VDC wall adapter, the onboard charging regulator, and a rechargeable battery can be used to
construct an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
When designing a power supply, consider worst-case power requirements and environmental
extremes. For example, the power requirement of a weather station may be substantially higher
during extreme cold, while at the same time, the extreme cold constricts the power available from
the power supply. System operating time for batteries can be estimated by dividing the battery
capacity (ampere hours) by the average system current drain (amperes).
For more information see:
Application Note -
Video Tutorial -
See also:
8.7 Updating the operating system
Campbell Scientific posts operating system (OS) updates at
when they become available. It is recommended that before deploying instruments, you check
operating system versions and update them as needed. The data logger operating system version
is shown in the Status table, Station Status Summary, and Device Configuration Utility
8. CR6 maintenance