Camoplast UTV T4S
System was initially designed to be
used in winter conditions and was then adapted to be used in
fall and spring conditions.
This document holds important information regarding driving an
UTV equipped with the
Camoplast UTV T4S
System by
Camoplast Hi-Performance Tracks. It is mandatory that every
user takes the time to carefully read, understand and then
consult this reference manual and user guide as well as the
UTV owner's manual as needed. When purchasing either a
new or used track System, the user must obtain all
documentation related to the System, including manuals and
guides related to the UTV on which the System is installed. If
need be, contact the Camoplast Hi-Performance Tracks
products dealer nearest to you to obtain any additional
information. You may also consult the Camoplast Solideal Web
site at www.camoplastsolideal.com and contact our technical
support by email at [email protected].
Camoplast Hi-Performance Tracks believes that there are
certain risks related to the installation and use of the System.
Our experience shows that the System is safe. However, the
user must be aware of the risks related with driving an UTV with
the particularities of this type of System. The UTV driver must,
at all times, respect all applicable laws and regulations, the
indications of the System manufacturer and the indications
from the vehicle manufacturer fixed by law, namely when age
restrictions exist and UTV base equipment is required
(headlights, flashers and brake lights, rearview mirror, etc.).
The user must always wear adequate safety equipment, such
as a helmet, safety glasses (or visor), protective clothing, boots
and gloves. It is understood that driving while impaired or
intoxicated presents a danger for the UTV user and others and
is against the law.
The System consists of many moving parts, including
transmission wheels. If an object lodges itself or becomes
jammed into the System and blocks the track, it is mandatory to
stop the engine and the vehicle and apply the security brake
before removing object said. By avoiding to do so, the user
exposes himself to sudden movement of the UTV or to
breakage of a part or component coming from the System,
which could cause severe injuries. It is also very important to
wear full length clothing and always avoid hanging or stringy
Driving a UTV equipped with such a System requires particular
precautions and a knowledge of proper driving techniques of
such vehicles. An evaluation by the user of the conditions and
terrain (state of the ground, grade of hill, density of snow, etc.)
is equally essential.