PRO-Diary User Guide 1.2.1 10/02/15
Select each of t
he category questions in turn, and drag each of their ‘- Drag here
to redirect all answers
–’ to below the bottom of the questionnaire. You should
now see:
Note that this completed set shows both a set of arrows down the left from the
first question, and a set down the right leading from each of the category
questions to the common following point below (which happens to be the end of
this questionnaire).
Using conditional/linked questions, we now have a questionnaire where the user
can choose between 22 different options based on a logical set of categories,
rather than having to scroll through a long single list. Obviously the better choice
will depend on your application, but the Diary can support either method.
Random Ordering Example
To avoid the wearer becoming fatigued with a certain set of questions, it is
possible to randomize all or part of a questionnaire. To do so, first enable the
advanced mode, then click just to the left of each question to display a dice
symbol next to it. Any contiguous block of questions labelled with the dice will
then be placed in random order each time they are scheduled. In the example
shown below, the three central questions will be randomized, but the other
questions will not.