PM 1000162 000 14
Device handbook SINEAX AMx000
7.8 Measurement information in file format
Using the data export scheduler, measurement information may be provided also in file format. Such files
can then:
periodically being sent to an SFTP server
locally stored in the device and downloaded via webpage
7.8.1 Creating periodic file data
A periodic generation of CSV files can be setup using the Data export scheduler via the menu Settings |
Data export. For this tasks may be defined for creating data files with a specific content at regular
intervals. These files may be stored locally and / or pushed to a SFTP server.
By selecting “Add task” new schedules can be set-up. An example is shown below:
The new task “24_h_PowerMeans” will
generate daily CSV files containing
standard mean-values for the past 24
The files will be both stored locally and
pushed to the subfolder PowerMeans of a
SFTP server. The
server to be used can be defined via
Communication | SFTP in the Settings
The transmission window selected here
causes a random transmission of the file
to the SFTP server within one hour since
At any time the newly created task “24_h_PowerMeans” can be fully modified, deactivated or deleted.
Via the menu Settings | Data export | Data export scheduler on the local display tasks can only be
activated or deactivated.