PM 1001606 000 07
Device handbook CENTRAX CU3000-CU5000
Select the correct module and confirm via
„Plug Device“
Repeat this procedure until all used options have been plugged in. Leave all unused modules or not
control relevant modules such as UPS empty.
8.6 Using the Modbus master functionality
For the performance classes ADVANCED and PROFESSIONAL Modbus interfaces can also be used to
read measurement data from other devices. For the Ethernet interface this master functionality can be
used in parallel to the existing Modbus/TCP server functionality.
For the Modbus/RTU interface via RS485 the slave mode is deactivated as soon as
the master functionality is used.
Building-up a master/server or master/slave structure is done in four steps:
a) Add a field-bus (Ethernet or Modbus RS-485)
b) Add the corresponding Master functionality
c) Parametrization of the Master
d) Add devices to the Master. You may choose from different measurement devices of Camille Bauer
and Gossen Metrawatt with a predefined Modbus image respectively direct selectable
measurements. For third party products a generic device is available, for which measurements can
be added manually.
The principle is shown on the following pages.