Chapter 5: PTP 820S Management
System Security Features
System Security Features
To guarantee proper performance and availability of a network as well as the data integrity of the
traffic, it is imperative to protect it from all potential threats, both internal (misuse by operators
and administrators) and external (attacks originating outside the network).
System security is based on making attacks difficult (in the sense that the effort required to carry
them out is not worth the possible gain) by putting technical and operational barriers in every
layer along the way, from the access outside the network, through the authentication process, up
to every data link in the network.
Layered Security Concept
Each layer protects against one or more threats. However, it is the combination of them that
provides adequate protection to the network. In most cases, no single layer protection provides a
complete solution to threats.
The layered security concept is presented in the following figure. Each layer presents the security
features and the threats addressed by it. Unless stated otherwise, requirements refer both network
elements and the NMS.
Figure 74 Security Solution Architecture Concept
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