Chapter 7: Quality of Service (QoS)
Configuring Classification
Page 7-38
PTP 820 performs the classification on each frame ingressing the system via the logical interface.
Classification is performed step by step from the highest priority to the lowest priority
classification method. Once a match is found, the classifier determines the CoS and Color decision
for the frame for the logical interface-level.
For example, if the frame is an untagged IP Ethernet frame, a match will not be found until the
third priority level (DSCP). The CoS and Color values defined for the frame’s DSCP value will be
applied to the frame.
You can disable some of these classification methods by configuring them as un-trusted. For
example, if 802.1p classification is configured as un-trusted for a specific interface, the
classification mechanism does not perform classification by UP bits. This is useful, for example, if
classification is based on DSCP priority bits.
If no match is found at the logical interface level, the default CoS is applied to incoming frames at
this level. In this case, the Color of the frame is assumed to be Green.
Configuring Ingress Path Classification on a Logical Interface
This section explains how to configure the classification criteria per each logical interface. The
following sections explain how to modify the classification tables per bit type.
To configure the classification criteria for a logical interface:
Select Ethernet > Interfaces > Logical Interfaces. The Logical Interfaces page opens.
Figure 140 Logical Interfaces Page
Select the interface you want to configure and click Edit. The Logical Interfaces - Edit page