Troubleshooting cnWave™ 5G Fixed Platform of Products
Troubleshooting cnWave™ 5G Fixed Platform
of Products
This section provides basic information about the cnWave™ 5G Fixed platform of products - B1000 Base
Transceiver Station (BTS) and C100 Customer Premise Equipment (CPE).
The section explains required configurations that you can use for troubleshooting in a lab environment.
This section covers the following topics:
Basic information about the platform of products
Troubleshooting in a lab environment
Basic information about the platform of products
The cnWave™ 5G Fixed platform of products requires minimum configuration for installation and normal
operation. Apart from configuring parameters such as the operating frequencies, IP addresses, and other
networking elements (for example, SNMP and RADIUS) at the B1000 BTS and the C100 CPE, you must
confirm that the equipment is operating optimally.
In the later sections of this guide, the term BTS is used to refer to B1000 BTS and the term
CPE to refer to C100 CPE.
It is recommended to set up and check that the BTS and/or the CPEs are operational and correctly
configured in a lab environment before installing the equipment at the customers’ site. This is also known
as the staging process. It also provides an opportunity to install updates or specific software or configure
specific monitoring parameters.
You may need to troubleshoot either the devices in a lab environment, on a newly installed system, or on
an operational system if communication is lost or after a lightning strike. It is assumed that you are
familiar with the products and the information that is explained in the following guides:
cnWave™ 5G Fixed Planning and Installation Guide
cnWave™ 5G Fixed Configuration Guide
These guides are available on Cambium Networks
Troubleshooting in a lab environment
This section describes the key steps required to troubleshoot a BTS, a CPE, and a BTS-CPE link.
It is recommended that you must test both the BTS and the CPE devices prior to installation at a site, as
BTS and/or the CPE can be powered up.
Configurations can be checked by accessing the devices' web user interfaces (UI).
Links can be established between the BTS and the CPEs.
These tasks can be performed when commissioning a BTS or a CPE prior to installation or even on a BTS
or a CPE that has been installed and returned due to a failure in the field.