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AFX Series Power Source Operation Manual
Page 129 of 402
Multiple User Waveforms in Transients
Transient programs are very useful to deliver precisely controlled transitions between
different waveforms to a unit under test. This means transitions from a normal AC sine wave
to a non-sinusoidal or distorted waveform can be accomplished by using different waveform
at different segment or step entries.
Waveforms are numbered from 1 through 200 with 1 being a fixed sine wave. All other
waveform registers are user defined arbitrary waveforms.
When in AC mode, transient segments or steps can called out different waveform numbers
on each of up to three phases
. For each segment, up to six different waveforms can be
selected. The same waveform can be repeated as of often as needed within the same
transient program.
In three or split phase mode, each phase in a transient program can use its own set of up to
six user-defined waveform. Thus, up to 18 different waveforms are available when in three-
phase mode.
Figure 6-18: Available User Waveforms in Transients
AUTO RMS Function – Transients
The AUTO RMS mode
, if enabled, causes all transient voltages to be calculated as true RMS
voltage of the waveforms used in any Segment of the Transient. This means the output
voltage RMS level will remain the same, regardless of the wave shape.
When disabled, RMS calculation of substituted waveforms does not occur. Disabling AUTO
RMS facilitates constant amplitude transients such as partial cycle dropouts or sub-cycle
spike transients.
This mode is set by sending the
PROGram:TRANsient:AUTORMS command over one of the Digital
control interfaces.
Note: In UPC Compatibility mode, this mode is always enabled but applies to steady state
Requires Front Panel Firmware revision 1.3.3.
Requires Front Panel Firmware revision 1.3.3.