The LBRX-1MT beacon receiver does not provide any local control interface. It is controlled remotely
through a serial RS232 interface. At this interface, the receiver provides two different protocol modes:
After power on, the receiver wakes up in terminal / ASCII protocol mode. In this protocol mode, commands
may be entered and terminated by a carriage return character. The receiver processes the command and
returns the response, terminated by a CR/LF pair. The terminal / ASCII protocol mode is suitable to
configure the receiver manually by means of a terminal program like the "Hyper-terminal" coming with the
Microsoft Windows operating system. Due to the lack of any checksum protection, the ASCII protocol is
not recommended if the receiver is to be controlled by a M&C computer.
For computer controlled applications, the receiver provides a framed protocol. This protocol implements a
checksum protection which ensures that only correctly transferred messages are processed. The receiver
automatically detects if it gets accessed through the framed protocol and subsequently disables the the
terminal / ASCII protocol until it gets switched off. Chapter "
" describes this protocol
mode in-depth.
Regardless of the protocol mode, the RS232 interface always operates at 19200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits,
one stop bit. To connect the receiver to a computer's (9-pin) RS232 port you need an off the shelf straight-
through male to female D-SUB9 cable. For installations, a 3-wire cable (pins 2,3 and 5) is sufficient.
A special feature of the sat-nms LBRX-1MT beacon receiver is the RS422 streaming output port, offering
the transmission of the measured beacon level at the full measurement rate with a minimum protocol
overhead. The data format used by this port is described in chapter "
The beacon receiver knows a number of parameters, each identified by a parameter name. The following
rules apply to both protocol variants. With the terminal protocol, commands or queries have to be terminated
by a carriage return character. With the framed protocol, they have to be enclosed by a valid protocol frame
(without carriage return).
To set a certain parameter to a new value, a message:
has to be sent to the receiver. The receiver interprets this command, checks the range of value, sets the
internal parameter and then answers:
The value in the reply is the value actually recognised by the beacon receiver. For instance, if the requested
value was out of range, the replied (and internally used) value is limited to the applicable minimum or
To read a parameter from the receiver, instead of a new parameter value a question mark is sent:
The receiver replies the actual value in a complete message:
(C) 2020, SatService GmbH
LBRX-1MT-UM-2002 Page 9/21