: By clicking to this button you switch to the 'Target' page where you can store and
recall the antenna pointing for up to 200 satellites.
Orbital Data
: By clicking to this button you switch to two pages where you can store and
recall up to 99 sets of TLE ephemeris data and 99 sets if I11 satellite data. At the
page you can assign TLE/I11 data sets to the satellite to be tracked.
: sat-nms ACUs with the tracking option installed offer the tracking mode and
tracking fine tune parameters on this page.
: By clicking to this button you switch to the 'Test' page. The 'Test' page shows the low
level I/O signals of the ACU. It helps you to install the ACU or to identify a malfunction of
peripheral components.
: This button switches to the 'Setup' page which lets you inspect or change less
common parameters which usually are set only once to adapt the ACU to it's working
: After a mouse click to this button, the ACU outdoor module shows a table with
information like the serial number of the device or the revision ID and compilation date of the
: Clicking to this button shows the on-line version of this user manual
Step Move : Clicking to the buttons in this area moves the antenna a small step to the
indicated direction. For azimuth and elevation 'small step' and 'large step' buttons are
provided. A 'small step' is the angle defined with the 'XX step delta' parameters at the
page, a 'large step' is ten times this value. With the polarization axis, steps always are 1??.
STOP : Clicking to the STOP button immediately stops all motors. The ACU indicates a fault.
A click to the RESET button releases this fault.
RESET : The RESET button lets the ACU acknowledge any motor diver faults by activating
the reset-circuit to the motor drivers for 800 msec. All faults internally latched by the ACU are
cleared and the target pointing values are set to the values actually read from the position
STANDBY : The STANDBY button puts the pointing loop of all axes to 'standby' mode:
Differences between measured and commanded value do not cause the motors to be driven
in this mode. Standby mode can be used for maintenance purposes or to move the antenne
by actuating the frequency inverters directly by hardware circuits. To leave standby mode,
click the STANDBY button again or RESET.
The 'Pointing' page is the main page of the ACU user interface which shows the actual antenna
pointing and some status information. The 'Pointing' page automatically refreshes once a second.
The refresh-rate may be adjusted on the setup-page.
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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