the short time storage described above.
Targets Page Example:
sat-nms ACUs with the tracking function installed give access to the tracking mode and the fine
tune parameter which lets you adapt the tracking to the individual requirements of the antenna
and the satellite you are tracking to. ACUs without tracking function show an empty page at this
Trackingmode --- The tracking mode parameter selects the tracking method, the ACU
actually uses. Possible selection are:
OFF --- No tracking is performed.
STEP --- Step track mode. In regular intervals, the antenna performs small search steps
to optimize the pointing. Chapter
'8.3.0 Step Track'
gives more information about this
ADAPTIVE --- The adaptive tracking mode works the same way as step track, but it
additionally is capable to predict the satellite's position when the beacon reception fails.
It computes mathematical models of the satellites motion from the step track results
recorded over a certain time. Details about this tracking mode are given in chapter
'8.4.0 Adaptive Tracking'
PROGRAM --- The program tracking mode is different from the modes above. The ACU
moves the antenna along a path which is described in a data file. No beacon reception
is required for this. You have to create such a data file and copy it with FTP to the ACU
before you can use this mode. SatService GmbH provides a PC software which lets you
easily create data files for program track from commonly used ephemeris data sets for
geostationary satellites. Chapter
'8.5.0 Program Tracking'
describes this tracking mode
more detailed.
.ts CLEARMEMORYClicking to this mark clear the tracking memory. You should do this when you
start to track a new satellite. Clearing the tracking memory about half an hour after tracking
started significantly improves the quality of the first adaptive tracking model which will be
evaluated after 6 hours of tracking. This is because the model does not get disturbed by the first
search steps the antenna does until the optimal pointing to the satellite is found.
Trackingstepsize --- The tracking step size is a very important parameter for the
performance of the tracking. It defines the size of every depointing step, the ACU makes in
order to find out where the optimal antenna pointing is. Setting too high values will cause
significant signal degradations during the step track cycle because the antenna moves a too
large amount away from the satellite. Setting the value too small will let the beacon level jitter
mask the level differences caused by the test steps, the antenna will not track the satellite
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