4.2 Interfaces to the Antenna, Pin descriptions
ATTENTION! Electrical installation shall be carried out only by qualified personnel who are
instructed and aware of hazards of electrical shocks.
The terminals of the sat-nms ACU-ODU are located at the lower side of the case. The angle
encoders and limit switches have to be connected directly at the sat-nms ACU-ODM, the core
module of the ACU-ODU. The Motors have to be connected directly to the motor drivers. Please
refer to the schematic of the sat-nms ACU-ODU that has been delivered to you. It shows you
where to connect all the units and the mains.
4.2.1 Angle encoder connection
The angle encoders have to be connected directly to the core module of the sat-nms ACU-ODU,
which is called sat-nms ACU-ODM. Inside, the sat-nms ACU-ODM consists of a main board and
two or three interface boards with the circuitry for the position sensors. These boards are
different for each type of position sensor. Actually interfaces for three types of position encoders
are available with the sat-nms ACU:
SSI digital position encoders
analog voltage based sensors depending on the interface type you use, different pinouts are
used. The following tables show you detailed the pin descriptions: CON18, CON19, CON20
Resolver Interface
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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