CalAmp | LMU-30xx/CVF-3030 & OBD-II Extender Cable Install
Page 19
Figure 19: Apply Geozones
After successful device installation in a vehicle, verify device communication using the Breadcrumb
Detail module in FleetOutlook. This is a two-step process and requires a user to be signed in
FleetOutlook. First, force the device to send in an Ignition On event by turning the ignition key to the
forward position. Second, open the Breadcrumb Detail for the corresponding vehicle in FleetOutlook. If
the device is reporting properly, you should see an Ignition On event.
Note: To report location-based data and events in FleetOutlook, each device must have a vehicle
assignment. Use the FO MobileInstall app to scan the Device ID (ESN) and vehicle VIN. The app will
automatically create the device-to-vehicle assignment in FleetOutlook.
Figure 20: FleetOutlook Reporting Verification