CalAmp | LMU-30xx/CVF-3030 & OBD-II Extender Cable Install Guide
Page 18
locate the vehicle, you use one action. If your device includes the Enable Starter and/or Payment
Reminder options, follow the testing steps below.
1. Tap the Disable Starter button. MobileInstall sends the disable starter command to the device.
2. After approximately 60 seconds, test the vehicle’s starter to verify it is disabled.
3. Tap the check box next to Disable Starter to indicate that the command passed.
4. Run the Enable starter command, wait 60 seconds, and verify the vehicle started.
5. Repeat Steps #1-3 for each command to test.
6. When finished verifying install, tap Next at the bottom of the screen.
Figure 18: Test Install
Apply Alerts and Geozones
You can only assign the default alerts and geozones configured in LenderOutlook for the selected
1. To assign alerts to the vehicle, tap the Apply Default Alerts check box.
2. To assign the vehicle to a geozone group, select the geozone group from the Apply Geozone
Group drop-down list.
3. Tap the Finish Install button.
* MobileInstall installs the device and applies any default settings selected. When finished,
MobileInstall displays a confirmation message.
* If you have more devices to install, tap the “Install Another Device?” button at the bottom of the
screen (not pictured here).