Jan 2022, Version 1.1
Cobham Gaisler AB
Kungsgatan | SE-411 19 | Goteborg | Sweden
+46 31 7758650 | www.caes.com/gaisler
Working with the board
The following items are required to use LEON-XCKU-EX designs:
Workstation with Windows or Linux
Xilinx KCU105 Evaluation Kit
LEON-XCKU bitstream
GRMON3 debug monitor
The two last items can be downloaded via http://gaisler.com/LEON-XCKU.
Cobham Gaislers standard offer of toolchains can be used to build and run software on the LEON-
XCKU-EX designs. Toolchains and run-time environments are available for download via http://gais
Programming the FPGA device and connecting with GRMON3
Please see the LEON-XCKU-EX Quick Start Guide [QSG] for information on FPGA programming
and using the SoC design.
In case of technical issues please contact [email protected]. The support line is normally available
only to companies and institutions with active support contracts. Limited support for the LEON-
XCKU-EX example designs is provided. When contacting support please provide a clear description
of which design that is used and your affiliation.
Sales and licensing questions should be directed to [email protected].
There is also an open forum available at https://grlib.community .