© Cobham Gaisler AB
Kungsgatan 12 | SE-411 19 Goteborg | Sweden
+46 31 7758650 | www.caes.com/gaisler
Document Data Sheet & User Manual
Feb 2022, Version 1.2
Power Supply and Voltage Regulation
The power configuration scheme implemented on the
board is represented in
Figure 18.
Power at a nominal input voltage of +12V can be provided from the CPCI-S connections of the
backplane, or in stand-alone mode from a dedicated 2-pin connector on the board (J18).
For the board, the nominal supply input is considered to be +12V via the backplane, but in stand alone
operation can also be powered from a +12V supply. The maximum limit is +14.5V due to the 15V
transient protection diode at the input.
As per the CPCI-S specification an active low external signal PS_ON# must be driven in order to
enable a power switch on the board and allow the local circuits to be powered up.
In a stand-alone board configuration the slide switch S4 performs the control of the PS_ON# signal.
On-board DCDC buck and Linear regulators provide the various voltage required by the rest of the
circuits on the board, as schematically represented in Figure 18.
VCC_0V95 FPGA Vcore and BRAM supply voltages
PM_3V3 Dedicated 3.3V supply for Power Monitor circuit
V3.3V supply for VIO for FPGA, GR716 and peripherals
V1V8 supply for VIO for FPGA, GR716 and peripherals
V1V5 supply for VIO for FPGA, and DDR3 memory circuits
E1V2 supply for Ethernet PHY circuits
GTH_1V0 Linear regulated 1.0V supply for FPGA Gigabit Transceivers
GTH_1V2 Linear regulated 1.2V supply for FPGA Gigabit Transceivers
GTH_1V8 Linear regulated 1.8V supply for FPGA Gigabit Transceivers
VTTVREF Linear regulated 0.75V supply for DDR3 reference voltage
VTTVREF2 Linear regulated 0.75V supply for DDR3 reference voltage
VTTVDDR Linear regulated 0.75V supply for DDR3 termination voltage
VTTVDDR2 Linear regulated 0.75V supply for DDR3 termination voltage
Since the FPGA has specific power up and sequencing requirements this board implements a voltage
monitoring and sequencing circuit using a
, 10-Channel Sequencer and System Health
Monitor circuit.
This circuit is pre-programmed via its PM-BUS (I2C) interface to perform the required start-up and
shut-down power sequencing.
The voltages and currents which the device monitors are indicated via ‘V’ and ‘A’ in Figure 18. These
voltages/current values can be read-out from the
via the I2C interface which is connected
to the GR716.