CAEN Scope
In a brand new framework, CAENScope so ware allows to manage the CAEN digi zers running the wave-
form recording firmware.
CAENScope user friendly interface presents different sec ons to easily manage the digi zer configura on
and plot the waveforms. Once connected, the program retrieves the digi zer informa on. Different pa-
rameters can be set for the channels, trigger and trace visualiza on (up to 12 traces) can be simultaneously
plo ed. Signals can be recorded to files in two different formats: Binary (SQLite db) and Text (XML). It is
also possible to save and restore the program se ngs.
Fig. 9.4:
CAENScope main frame.
CAENScope installa on packages can be downloaded on CAEN web site (
login required
) at:
Home / Products / Firmware/So ware / Digi zer So ware / Readout So ware / CAENSCOPE
CAEN provides the so ware User Manual
, free downloadable at the web page above.
: Windows® and Linux® versions are stand-alone. The so ware downloads the required CAENDigi zer,
CAENComm and CAENVMELib libraries.
Linux users are required to install the following packages:
- sharu ls;
- libX ;
- libXss (specifically for Debian derived distribu ons, e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, etc.);
- libXScrnSaver (specifically for RedHat derived distribu ons, e.g. RHEL, Fedora, Centos, etc.).
CAENScope does not work with digi zers running DPP firmware.
UM3247 - N6724 User Manual rev. 10