Optical Link and USB Access
The board houses a USB2.0 compliant port, providing a transfer rate up to 30 MB/s, and a daisy chainable
Op cal Link (communica on path which uses op cal fiber cables as physical transmission line) able to
transfer data at 80 MB/s, therefore it is possible to connect up to eight N6724 to a single Op cal Link
Controller by using the A2818 PCI card or up to thirty-two N6724 with the A3818 PCIe card.
Detailed informa on on CAEN PCI/PCIe Controllers can be find at www.caen.it:
Home / Products / Modular Pulse Processing Electronics / PCI/PCIe / Op cal Controller
The parameters for read/write accesses via op cal link are Address Modifier, Base Address, data Width,
etc.; wrong parameter se ngs cause Bus Error.
Bit[3] at register address 0xEF00
enables the module to broadcast an interrupt request on the Op cal
Link; the enabled Op cal Link Controllers propagate the interrupt on the PCI bus when a request from the
Op cal Link is sensed. Interrupts can also be managed at the CAENDigi zer library level (see “Interrupt
Configura on”
: CONET2 is CAEN proprietary serial protocol developed to allow the op cal link communica on be-
tween the host PC, equipped with a A2818 or a A3818 Controller, and a CAEN CONET slave. CONET2 is 50%
more efficient in the data rate transfer than the previous CONET1 version. The two protocol versions are
not compliant to eachother and before to migrate from CONET1 to CONET2 it is recommended to read the
instruc ons provided by CAEN in the dedicated Applica on Note
UM3247 - N6724 User Manual rev. 10