SATURNO 16 - 24
• Do not empty the hopper with remaining fuels (unburnt pellet) from the burning pot coming from ignition waster.
The fuel is loaded through the side or front hatch to be mounted onto the cladding, which allows access to the fuel loading chute.
The loading procedure is facilitated if performed in a number of steps as described below:
• Open the hatch and pour onto the chute half the content directly from the sack or using the supplied scoop (A)
• Complete the operation by pouring the second half of the sack with the same procedure
No other type of fuel other than pellets needs to be inserted into the hopper, in compliance
with the afore-mentioned specifications.
Store the spare fuel at an adequately safe distance.
Do not load pellets directly onto the brazier, but only into the hopper via the loading system.
The technician in charge of installation and commissioning MUST ALWAYS thoroughly brief the end owner/user on
the device. The following subjects must be covered in detail so that the end user is satisfied. Otherwise, there is the
risk the device will be used unsafely:
• Explanation of the device and how it works
• Need to keep the device ventilated and issues that could arise otherwise
• Fuel use and supply
• How to safely ignite the device
• What to do if it does not ignite
• What to do in the event of alarms (in particular, those generated by a lack of fuel in the device)
• How to service the device properly and the importance of doing so monthly
• It is a good idea to schedule the first annual service check
• Discuss using a potential secondary heating system
• Explain how the remote control or thermostat works and where to best position them