C-Fly obtain Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

Printed in China



Summary of Contents for obtain

Page 1: ...Printed in China V1 1 V1 1...

Page 2: ...y lead to property losses major accidents and serious injuries FLY SAFE 2 KNOW OBTAIN 3 Aircraft 3 Flight status indicator light explanation 4 Gimbal camera 5 Remote control 6 Download APP 7 Preparati...

Page 3: ...Maintain Line of Sight Fly Below 400 feet 120m Flight safety conditions Threats to flight precautions No flying environment DO NOT use the aircraft severe weather conditions such as rain snow fog and...

Page 4: ...edlight Serioussystemfault Seriouslow voltagealarm Low voltagealarm Indicator Status description Flashingbluelight Remotecontrolisnotconnected Thelightisflashing blueandgreen Compassdataerror compass...

Page 5: ...rspecificoperations pleaserefertothe Remotecontrol aircraft APP can also control aircraft directly For specific operations please refer to the APP control aircraft please make sure your phone support5...

Page 6: ...thebackslot of the remote control like shown above Pleaseturnoffthepoweroftheremotecontrolandputthebattery intotheremotecontrol Toavoidpotentialdamageandloss pleaseuseC FLYorcertified batteriesandchar...

Page 7: ...when the aircraft is powered on otherwise it causes data storage false Please turn the arm carefully Excessive force will result in damage to the arm Down and backward Rear arm Do not break the rear...

Page 8: ...replace propeller please pay attention to the propeller of the corresponding model and specification Otherwise may cause property loss and damage Turn off standby switch OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON S P A Sw...

Page 9: ...n The front indicator of the machine flashes means the aircraft is turned on successfully Please turn on the RC before turn on the aircraft Indicator of aircraft show flashing blue to flashing green o...

Page 10: ...nners The indicator of aircraft shows green flashing which means GPS signal isweakornosignalatall Changed flight mode to A mode on RC the aircraft can take off The difficulty of this operation is high...

Page 11: ...r the flight operation interface Operation interface UsingAPPinflightcanmonitorthepictureandthecurrentsituation oftheaircraftinrealtime WhenaircraftcontrolledbyRCwhileconnectAPP theprioritycontrol is...

Page 12: ...B B B sound meanwhile theaircraftwillautomaticallytakeofftoabout1 2m hover Long press Take off Land button 2 3 seconds the remote controller sends out the B B B sound Automatically vertical landing Lo...

Page 13: ...r of its own current position Record Video Take Picture File Pleasedonotcheckthepictureorvideoduringtheflight otherwise itwillpossiblycauseaccident Inordertoavoidpossibledamageandloss pleaseensurethat...

Page 14: ...rol 2 Lowcapacityofbattery In the case of GPS positioning one key return function initiate if it s necessary during flight then wait for the aircraft to return automatically the throttle joystick will...

Page 15: ...Controller xxxxxx C FLY Setting xxxxxx Select C FLY Setting xxxxx and connect 192 168 188 1 Authorization Required Please enter your username and password Username Password root admin Login Reset Fill...

Page 16: ...3s Flashing blue Click and select C FLY Drone xxxxxx network connection 09 59 WLAN ON Select network C FLY Controller xxxxxx Phone need to support 5G Hz Wi Fi Operation description Main menu Click ST...

Page 17: ...libration then follow the prompt Go to general Settings 3 Compass calibration Before the first flight calibrate the compass Click to COMPASS CALIBRATE Click on theCALIBRATE Step 1 horizontal calibrati...

Page 18: ...ghtarea pleasebesuretocalibratethecompass beforethefirstflight Intheprocessofuse suchasthe Blueandgreenlightflashing which meansthecompassisabnormal thecompassmustbecalibrated Pleasekeepawayfrommagnet...

Page 19: ...Click on the left and right blank of the screen the virtual joystick will be popped and the launch aircraft will be activated through the virtual joystick External take off Aircraft Default is the mo...

Page 20: ...deowillbegin Aerial photography tips 1 Carefullycheckwhetherthepartsoftheaircraftarenormalbeforeflight 2 TrytotakephotosorvideosinGPSPositionmode 3 Chooseclear breezyweatherforshooting 4 Testflightbef...

Page 21: ...t GPS Select TRACK MODE the aircraft will follow the mobile device to fly Beforeusingthisfunction makesurethattheflightenvironment isopenandfreeofobstacles When it is under GPS POSITION the aircraft w...

Page 22: ...k the small map to pop up the route plan Map Mode Route Planning WayPoint Start Route planning interface Start Waypont Before using please ensure that the aircraft and mobile phone are fully charged a...

Page 23: ...Landing Inorderforyoursafe whenyouflightwithWayPointflight please flightinanemptyoutdoorplaceandkeeppeopleaway Pleaseobservethecurrentflightenvironmentcarefullyandsetsafe flyingaltitude TheDronewillf...

Page 24: ...0meters butnotdrawourbeyondthecircle TheDronewillfly according to the plannedroute Drop out the Route Planing the drone will be stop on the current position You can choose the new airline again When y...
