Set the username
Set a password
Password confirmation:
Confirm the password
Click “
" to apply changes.
4) Update
MCU version:
Displays current firmware version
Camera version:
Displays current firmware version
Focus version:
Displays current firmware
Update file:
Click choose file to browse for firmware update file. Click Upgrade when file is selected.
* Make sure power and network remain connected during process or the upgrade will fail!
5) Default
Click on "
Restore Factory Defaults
" button and choose “yes” or “no”
6) Reboot
Click on the pop-up "
" button and choose “yes” or “no”
4.2.9 Logout
Click "
" button; select "Yes" or "No”
4.2.10 Wireless network
If the user's equipment has a wireless network module, the specific configuration is as follows:
Network settings
Wireless network
Network interface enable:
Select to enable wireless interface
Select to enable DHCP (default is disabled with a static address of
Wireless IP address cannot be in the same subnet as wired IP address!
Subnet Mask:
Set the wireless IP subnet mask (default255.255.255.0)
Default Gateway:
Set the wireless IP default gateway (default
The user can modify their own (the default test)
Select to enable password entry
Enter Wifi password
Click “
" to apply changes.
2)WiFi hot link
Click on the “search” button to scan for WIFI hotspots.
Double-click the dialog box after selecting Wifi hotspot, then input password to connect to Wifi.
3)Wireless WiFi login page
Enter IP address of camera to login via browser. Default is Use a network scanning tool to locate your IP address if
DHCP was enabled in setup.
Serial Communication Control
Under common working conditions the camera can be controlled through RS232/RS485 interface (VISCA), RS232C
serial parameter are as follows:
Baud rate: 2400/4800/9600/115200 bits / sec; Start bit: 1; data bits: 8; Stop bit: 1; Parity: None.
After powering on, the camera will perform a self-test. Self-test is finished after the zoom moves to the farthest and then back to the
nearest position. If the camera has a “0” preset stored it will return to that position after initialization. At this point, the user can
control the camera by the serial commands.