2021/07 - Version: C - Code : 34681
Separating pit wall
As of the 1
of January 2004, the standard NF P90-308 requires the presence of a pit wall between the pit in
which a submerged cover is installed and the rest of the pool.
Scope of use
The automatic covers were designed and manufactured for use with family pools.
Any other use (public or semi-public pools) must be duly authorised by Procopi.
Despite their excellent mechanical properties, the automatic covers cannot withstand external aggressions.
The following should therefore be avoided:
Direct contact between the surface of the cover apron and disinfectant products (Chlorine, Bromine,
etc.) likely to cause damage such as: permanent discolouration, burns, blisters, etc.
Excessive loads on the cover apron that could deform it.
Mechanical impacts: blunt objects falling onto the cover apron, the base of a parasol, heavy hail
stones, etc.
Furthermore, the leaktightness of the slats comprising the cover apron is key to cover protection. This
leaktightness can be compromised by mechanical impacts, hail storms, etc.
Consequently, the leaktightness of the slats must be checked regularly by a responsible adult user and any
defects should be repaired immediately.
This list of precautions is not exhaustive and we highly recommend that, in case of doubt, you do nothing without
first seeking the advice of the installer, with whom you should remain in frequent contact.