burster Italia s.r.l. · Sede legale ed operativa · Via Cesare Battisti, 16/18 · 24035 Curno (BG) · Tel. +39 035 618120 · Fax +39 035 618250
e-mail: [email protected] · http://www.burster.it
C.F. e P.IVA 11048400151 · Capitale sociale Euro 49.920,00 · R.E.A. di Bergamo 276749
Apparecchi di misura di precisione. Sensori e Sistemi
per grandezze elettriche, termiche e meccaniche
Warning Notes
Attention must be paid to the accident prevention regulations of the trade associations.
Coverings and casings are necessary before operating the sensor. This is also valid for
commissioning, maintenance and trouble shooting.
Duties of the coverings and casings are:
Protection from detaching parts
Protection from contusion and shear
Prevention from reaching rotating parts
Prevention from being tangled up and/or getting caught by parts
Coverings may
Not grind
Not rotate
Coverings are also necessary outside of operating and motion travel areas of persons.
These demands can be modified if other sufficient safety devices are available. During
operation, the safety precautions must be operative. Vibrations can cause device
Term Definitions
Measuring Side:
Mechanical connection of the torque sensor in which the torque to be measured is applied. Usually, this
side has the smallest moment of inertia.
Drive Side:
Mechanical connection of the torque sensor on the opposite side of the measuring side, usually with the
largest moment of inertia.
Low Torque Resistance Side:
The shaft of the arrangement (drive, load) which can be rotated significantly smaller with torque than the
nominal torque of the torque sensor M << M
Definition of the Pictograms on the Torque Sensor
The measuring side of the torque sensor is identified as follows.
Measuring side:
Further indications can be found on the sensor data sheet.
Product Description
The sensor measures static and dynamic torques. The mounting position of the torque sensor is
Caution: it must be differentiated between measuring side and drive side, see data sheet of the sensor: