Bürkert Communicator menus
Type ME64
Menus in the “General settings” configuration area
Detailed view “Parameter”
Status LED
Operation mode
Setting the various operating modes: NAMUR, fixed colour and LED off.
Parameterisation of the device as a büS participant.
Displayed name
Device name under which the device is displayed in Bürkert
Device location.
Shown in Bürkert Communicator beneath the device name.
The input window can be used to describe the device or for additional
information on the device.
No entry necessary.
Further device settings as a participant in a network.
Unique device name
Communication ID for communication in the network.
Should not be changed.
In case of changes, the assigned partnership to
another participant is lost.
Baud rate
Transmission speed for the device as a büS participant or a CANopen par
ticipant. Must be identical for all the devices in a network.
(Fixed) CANopen
address (node ID)
Manually selected device address.
CANopen address
(node ID)
Currently applied device address.
Bus operation mode
Configuring the various bus modes:
büS, CANopen or single device.
Single device: If the device is not operated in a network.
CANopen status
Communication state of the device
Only acyclic (SDO) communication is possible with the participant. Cyclic
(PDO) communication is inactive.
Cyclic (PDO) and acyclic (SDO) communication are possible with the
(Menu is only available for bus mode “CANopen”.)
Deallocation delay
Time from the loss of a partner to deletion of its configuration.
Alarm limits
Setting the threshold values at which the device generates an error
message or a warning if they are exceeded or undercut.