The Interlock Status page is dynamic. Its appearance and function depend on the status of the interlocks.
The partial screen shot below shows an Interlock Status page with no faults detected and with only one
active channel (Transmission Line 1).
A larger view of the first two columns is shown below:
For this situation, Transmission Line 1 is identified in the Name row. Forward power is 9.953 kW (units for
forward and reflected power were set in the Interlock Configuration page of the website interface),
reflected power = 99.815 W, VSWR = 1.223:1, no strikes are recorded, and the Interlock status is shown as
In the next screen shot the VSWR Limit =1.224:1 In this case, a fault condition is detected (VSWR >
threshold limit), three strike timing is recorded, the interlock is open and Lockout condition exists. Since
the Lockout Timeout is set to infinite, in the Interlock Configuration page, the only way to clear the lockout
is to click on the Reset Lockout button.