TC-Standard (+)
7.9 Spare parts and accessories
Please also specify the model and serial number when ordering parts.
Upgrade and expansion parts can be found in our catalog.
Available spare parts:
Item no.
91 00 10 00 07
Display module MCD400
91 44 05 00 80
Connecting cable controller board display module
91 00 11 01 80
Microcontroller board LPP MCP2
40 11 00 0
Flow adapter type G, PVDF G1/4
40 11 00 0I
Flow adapter type NPT, PVDF NPT 1/4"
40 11 00 5
Flow adapter type G, stainless steel, G 1/4
40 11 00 5I
Flow adapter type NPT, stainless steel, NPT 1/4”
41 11 10 0
Moisture detector FF-3-N, without cable
91 44 05 00 81
Moisture detector connection cable, 300 mm
91 44 05 00 82
Moisture detector connection cable, 450 mm
41 50 29 99
Filter AGF-PV-30-F2, G1/4
41 50 29 99 I
Filter AGF-PV-30-F2, NPT 1/4"
44 65 90 00 5
Fan, 12 V DC
91 00 01 01 98
Power board
91 00 01 11 98
Power board, 24 V DC
91 00 01 11 87
Controller board
see data sheet 450020
Peristaltic Pumps CPsingle, CPdouble
7.9.1 Consumables and accessories
Item no.
45 10 008
Automatic condensate drain AK 5.2 (pressure operation only)
45 10 028
Automatic condensate drain AK 5.5 (pressure operation only)
44 10 004
Automatic condensate drain AK 20 (pressure operation only)
44 10 001
Automatic condensate drain 11 LD V 38 (pressure operation only)
41 03 00 50
Replacement filter element F2; Unit 5 count
91 44 05 00 38
Cable for cooler temperature analog output 4 m
44 10 005
Condensate trap GL1, 0.4 L
44 92 00 35 012
Norprene replacement hose with angled connections for peristaltic pump 0.3 L/h
44 92 00 35 016
Norprene replacement hose with one angled connection and one screw connection (metric)
for peristaltic pump 0.3 L/h
44 92 00 35 017
Norprene replacement hose with one angled connection and one screw connection (US) for
peristaltic pump 0.3 L/h
43 81 045
Screw connection G1/4 – DN 8/12 for passive condensate connection MTV-2
43 81 048
Screw connection NPT 1/4" for passive condensate connection MTV-2-I
Bühler Technologies GmbH
BE440026 ◦ 12/2020