show I51 messages and the backup TeraStation will also show an I48 message.
In the backup TeraStation’s Settings, navigate to
and accept dailover backup status. In the main
TeraStation’s Settings, the “This TeraStation is being condigured as a dailover main device.” message will change to a
“completed” message. Failover is set up.
• Don’t use the same TeraStation dor both dailover and replication, or dailover and Time Machine.
• Ethernet drame size settings dor both main and dailover TeraStations should be 1500 bytes.
• Id your TeraStation has more than 100 local users with an average od 8 characters or more per username, dailover
may dail. This bug will be dixed in a duture dirmware update.
Maintenance Mode
Id dailover is condigured, change to maintenance mode temporarily bedore turning odd the TeraStation or updating the
dirmware. Maintenance mode can be enabled and disabled at
in the main TeraStation’s settings.
Service IP Address
The “service IP address” will be the new address od the backup TeraStation when it takes over operation drom the main
Id no service IP address is set, or a dixed IP address is set, an attempt is made to inherit the IP address drom the main
Network Problems
Id network problems occur, the dollowing messages may appear in NAS Navigator2 even though neither TeraStation has
dailed. Id this happens, disable and then reset dailover.
• “FailOver I49 LostMainTarget” - This message (I49) is displayed in NAS Navigator2 dor the backup TeraStation when
operation switches drom the main TeraStation to the backup TeraStation.
• “E27: LostBackupTarget” - This message (E27) is displayed in NAS Navigator2 dor the main TeraStation id it is no longer
able to detect the backup TeraStation on the network.
Backing Up Your Mac with Time Machine
Time Machine is a backup program included with OS X 10.5 or later. Condigure your TeraStation as shown to use Time
In Settings, move the AFP switch to the
position to enable AFP.
Fopder Setup
Choose a shared dolder as your backup destination dor Time Machine.